Comments of fairydust1 (59)
Comment on post audition tonight:
teeehee! I'll be singing with ya on Messiah, but not sure about Durufle yet. Already on board at my church to sing Rutter Requiem about the same time. glad you're "aboard"!!!
Comment on post prop 8. musical done! joining a choir?:
Don't forget the Round Rock Community Choir, my dear. I know it's "north" but it's only about 15 minutes north from your house, iirc. The music varies throughout the year, dues are only $90 for a whole season, and the director is a hoot! :)
Also, there is a Gilbert & Sullivan Society somewhere in town. One of the gals from RCP (Stephanie Blackwood) was in it for a while.
Comment on post cakes! and other stuff:
Yes, I do make the cakes for hire! :)
Comment on post hello married people/people who know about weddings:
We had our reception at the Hyatt (on the lake) in their larger Foothills ballroom. It held 80 guests, and the price included a buffet (of which you make choices from tiered pricing menus). We brought in our own cake, our own "DJ', and they did the rest. They even decorated the tables with simple centerpieces (we would have been allowed to bring our own, but I didn't see the point). It was a beautiful view over downtown (18th floor), and we were able to have alcohol served. I think the reception was around $5K all told, but don't hold me to that (also, that was 11 years ago!) We loved the space, and we had a lot of compliments on the view. :)
Comment on post not a complaint:
I know that *I* won't be off book by Friday. But, don't tell Ron that ;)
Comment on post scenes that made me look twice:
I have not found a song yet for Saturday. I was kinda drifting about, trying to come up with a good diva song (I know I won't GET the diva roll, but I'd like to dream big). I have a copy of "9 to 5" and "Tonight" (from West Side Story), or I could audition with the Laverne & Shirley theme. Those are the easiest to come by. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
Comment on post I still dislike moving:
Gino's on N. Mays , about 1/2 mile north of Hesters Crossing, in Round Rock. It's a Mom & Pop place, but they have good food, great service, and decent pricing.
For "fast food" Italian, there is a Fazoli's right behind the Kinko's on Louis Henna, just west of I-35.
Macaroni Grill is on the northeast corner of I-35 and Louis Henna, just past the Home Depot.
Also, there is a place in Pflugerville called the Venice Cafe (907 FM 685) that is supposed to be yummy. :)
Also, Baris Pizza (1501 Pecan St W Ste 100) in Pflugerville has a nice Italian style menu.
I hope this helps you find some local places you'll enjoy eating at :)
Comment on post laptop debate:
GW - Jay's on there almost nightly. So's Kenn, and if you are looking for their "group" they are in the OCD Guild. I don't know how people communicate on there or anything, but I'll let Jay know you bought the game. :)
Comment on post laptop debate:
Jay has taken our laptops to the Apple Store with one key broken, and they opened a drawer, pulled out a new key, and popped it on. Keep hope! :)
Comment on post big day:
When Jay and I looked for homes, we REFUSED to look at homes within an HOA, because we felt the money was just unreasonable. Now, we are members of a NEIGHBORHOOD association, with dues of $25/year, which goes towards paying for our landscaping on the two neighborhood signs, directories every other year, and social events throughout (garage sales, cookouts, etc.).
While we don't have a pool or a park within the association, we do have a large park and a medium size pool at the northwest corner, just outside the association.
BTW - our realtor was very surprised that we would not look at HOA homes. I guess we're really old school that way. I don't see that they make a beneficial difference to me as the end "user".
Comment on post this is getting ridiculous:
Our home is around 2700 sq. feet. I think that perhaps they felt overwhelmed in the large space and wanted to make it attractive to a smaller family "unit".
Comment on post oh well:
urm - our monthly water Bill in Round Rock was $70/month before we added in the sprinklers. Now its $100/month.
Comment on post iTunes rating analysis! Portal, TexRenFest.:
We called the RenFest offices and tried to rent space on the grounds, but they said they had to reserve all the locations for "real brides and grooms" (exact words). We didn't want to buy one of the expensive packages, because we had no need to provide people with tickets gratis, or have a trumpeter, or an officiant, or any of the other stuff they were tossing in the package.
Hubby and I had talked, and we might have gone as high as $750, just for 15 minutes in the chapel. The fact that they wouldn't allow it to happen for less than $8K is STUPID on their part. They could make money hand over fist (which apparently they WANT to do), if they'd just recognize how much people like their grounds.
Comment on post we are in austin:
yay! you're BAAACCKKK!!! :)
Comment on post weekend, pictures, etc.:
Whee - I'm watching Gizmodo for the Apple info. I can't wait to see what they unveil!! :)
Comment on post happy birthday to meeee:
By the way - thank you for sharing that article. I liked having a long and thoughtful article to read while I'm waiting at the Saturn dealership for my car to be repaired (driver's side mirror) and an oil change. The author wrote it well enough that I could "feel" the commutes.
My dad used to commute between 45 minutes and 1 1/2 hours each way from Munster, IN, to Cicero, IL, where he worked for General Electric for about 8 years (he transferred to the Louisville Appliance Park in 1986). He said his reasoning was that he didn't want his kids in Chicago schools - Indiana's were better, and he felt the sacrifice was worth it.
Jay doesn't realize how easy his commute is, I believe. He's never had to drive more than about 20 minutes either way to any of his jobs. Heh - and now he commutes about 25 steps to the den most mornings
Comment on post happy birthday to meeee:
Happy birthday to someone who is a full decade younger than me! OMG, am I old. In less than 30 days, I'll be 36. And you know what? I don't have any concerns about being 36.
I figure by 40 I've settled into my "mid-life" and around 50 I can celebrate Bill going to college, and Grace hitting her junior prom year. By 60, I can start to relax (hopefully the kids will be through college by then *LOL*), and by 70 maybe I'll be looking at retirement behavior.
Life is good, isn't it? :) :) :)
Comment on post Extortion is profitable!:
I'm glad to see the House of Bishops standing up for their American members. I have always felt that what happens in the bedroom should not be relevant to your "job" - be it clergy or other. :)
*hugs* thanks for all your hard work last night - the first blog only post went up late last night and appears in my flist! :)
Comment on post Public service announcements:
Also, I'm engaged!
Wonderful news to hear - I'm so proud to consider myself your all's friend! Congratulations! :)
Comment on post almost Christmas!:
no, we weren't on the list, but since we'd have to leave by 7 pm for bedtimes (sigh), it is highly unlikely we'd be able to come anyhow. Maybe I can give your gift to
Comment on post almost Christmas!:
um, if er - there is time - we'd love a chance to see you for a few minutes while you're in town. We got you a teeny weenie little gift that we'd like tohand you in person, if possible. It's teeny - it spoke your name when we saw it ;)
Comment on post The Prestige:
Jay figured it out earlier than me but he kept it to himself. We thoroughly enjoyed the movie, and recommend highly !
Comment on post glad that's over with!:
teehee - 34 is the coldest? *wink* I know something you do not know (and no, I'm not left-handed). Get an LL Bean catalog and buy some Thinsulate jackets my dears. I don't want to see you be sick with cold and flu in the next 5 months.
*HUG* I am so jealous of those temperatures I could SPIT! ;)
Comment on post one week at a time:
amen - I did so well during the summer musical, but then - I delved back into stress overload, which caused me to overeat, which brought it all back. :(
I'm proud of your progress, and I'm in it with you - I just don't report as often *wink*. :)
Comment on post pictures, actually:
Yay for pictures! They're great. I wish we could be there with you. Did you take any pictures at the MD RennFaire? :)
We sure miss you here *big hugs to you both* :)
Comment on post some days, accomplishing anything is enough:
*hugs* what a long day to get so little "done." I feel for you, honest I do!
Comment on post world o' stuff:
Awesome pictures of the roadtrip. It was like a cute little scrapbook of the journey. We were too tired to do that when Jay and I moved me from Louisville, KY, to Austin back in 1996. Then again, digital DOES make it easier, and digital cameras were NOT the thing back then.
The whirlpools in the room were - quite unique - I must say! I could see Bill and Grace making it their fort and moving in immediately, completely defeating the relaxing purpose of said jacuzzi to begin with (wink).
*HUGS* We miss you guys muchly! The ASMC video is in review, and we should be able to mail you a copy in a week or so. :)
Comment on post Tennessee, our Tennessee:
oooh Blue Ridge Parkway IS beautiful. Enjoy the ride! I've been thinking of you too lots while Jay works on the extras and behind the scenes footage for the show *wink* which I think you will like LOTS! :)
Comment on post last melodramatic post!:
*big hugs from us to you* Have fun setting up the new place - we want to see pictures! :)
Comment on post (no subject):
aww David looks so cute in his birthday crown! :) Glad to hear you all had a good weekend visiting family!
Comment on post a few links:
That's okay. You all have no clue why Boilermakers flock to "The Chocolate Shoppe" on weekends, I'm sure. And while, at the moment, I can't think of any great lingo to share from my university, I'm sure there is some that would make you guys go "huh"?
When the "Gold Coats" are coming, it means that the waitstaff in the Purdue dorms are loading up the foodlines in the caefterias. (yes, they wear gold jackets.)
The lions roar for every virgin who walks by them on campus. (They are stone statues ...)
Fountain runs were the craze when I was going to school. (we used to run through a fountain designed to be "interactive".)
The people who worked the computer help desk were called the Purdue Daemons (haha, and yes - they used the BSD Beastie as their logo).
Yeah, I'm sure they're kinda lame, but that's MY school. :-D
Comment on post a few links:
can I be a nerd here and ask WHY Rice calls dorms "colleges" and (I assume) cafeterias "serveries"? Or, is this more elitist Rice talk of which I am not qualified to speak upon? (wink wink nudge nudge)
*big grins*
Us Boilermakers wanna know!
Comment on post a few links:
I had to turn off the ASU vid (snickersnorts). Wow - I think the Dean's 9 year old kid musta done that one!
As for the "Why Geeks and Nerds Are Worth It", I respond with "amen!" Having been in the midst of the geek circle in college, unawares that I was until it was "too late" I truly appreciate the well-educated nerd [looks across the desk at Jay]. ;)
Comment on post shows done! palm to google calendar done!:
Full disclosure - while there are payments made to a few contract personnel (director, music director, accompanist, assistant director, graphics artist, stage manager, and props manager), all are *far* below union rates. The actual payout ends up being more of a stipend/honorarium. The cost of lighting and sound is covered by the rental of the theatre space.
The participants in the show, especially this year, are all there to bring an adorable script [and music] to life for the benefit and amusement of children all over central Texas. Our mission is providing this FREE of charge, to enable all children to enjoy the gift of musical theatre. The only way we can accomplish this task is to rely on corporate donations, individual donations, and our Gala and Silent Auction fundraiser.
We've been offered by patrons before that they would pay to see us add on performances of favorite shows, but that goes against the core of what we want to provide. So, to that end, we remain free (much to Scottish Rite's chagrine)!
From a board member who has seen the show grow and change and mutate and evolve, this year's show is probably our best one in the last 4 years. I'm proud to be part of this production, and happy to be celebrating my 10th anniversary of working with Cheryl Key (C.D.), my inspiration!
Comment on post shows done! palm to google calendar done!:
All tickets purchased for the gala are tax-deductible. If you itemize on your taxes, you can write off coming to see the show! YAY!
Comment on post rehearsal me tired:
this is what Ron gets. You can't have the same people be the board, the cast, and the crew on a *3 week condensed schedule*. It doesn't work well AT ALL. We're TERRIBLY short ushers, because the cast is so small there really aren't enough spouses/family members to draw from. We're behind on every deadline, and we're trying to have the biggest show this organization has ever seen. The costumes will be HUGE - we'll see about everything else *wink*.
Comment on post rehearsal me tired:
actually they spent their time planning props and stuff, but not actually building anything because no one was "sure" what the director wanted. In the end, the director wanted less than they had planned to build - which is good for me, because I will have to spend my ONE day off from rehearsals tackling EVERYTHING, including the kids, while Jay builds last minute set pieces.
Comment on post Great. Just great.:
my god you make me feel old! I was in my sophomore year of college when the Gulf War broke out :P
Comment on post recent happenings-on:
um replace BILL with Amendment (blush)
Comment on post recent happenings-on:
thank goodness the bill failed. I am (personally) disgusted that the politicians feel there should be a BILL against this. I don't care what your sexual orientation is - it doesn't reflect on your character as a person. I know more idiot straight people that I care to discuss! *hugs* Sorry, don't want to start a soapbox *grin*.
Glad you had fun at Dell Diamond - sounds like a great evening.
Side note: I'm going to try and update my Google calendar again tonight - have to backup to the memory stick, move the pdb file over, and then sync them, but if that's my biggest worry, we're still in great shape. :)
Comment on post na nanana nana na na...:
well - jay found the file - or so we think. we grabbed it right from the memory stick on my clie. It was called Datebookdb.pdb (178 KB) and the error message this time was: Status: ERROR - closed stream
Comment on post na nanana nana na na...:
we found a datebookdb.pdb in an old backup from hubby's laptop last year, but it didn't work either. Jay's attempting to research what Mac calls their corresponding file to see if it is the same or not. It looks like he grabbed something from the Clie, put it on a memory stick and will be transferring it. I'll let you know what happens :)
Comment on post na nanana nana na na...:
yup - it was in my backup directory. it was the only one i could find that was remotely similar. look in your email, sending now
Comment on post na nanana nana na na...:
I followed the directions - and it told me it was "done" but nothing is appearing in the Google Calendar? I've added you to be able to view my "Clie" calendar in Google, but I'm a bit stumped? Could it be because I'm using a Mac version of Palm Desktop? :(
Comment on post na nanana nana na na...:
yah - I'm all for testing. I'm not a coder though, so you might have to help me understand the how-to bit. I hadn't thought about the "front end" (I think that's how Kenn and Jay refer to the user interface), but from what I've seen of your other projects, your're pretty good at that! OOOH! A google calendar where I can post ASMC rehearsals and doctor appointments and travel for friends. This is exciting!!
Comment on post a few random things:
I must ask - is there such a thing as a "nice" MySpace page? All the ones I ever see referenced are pretty baaaadd.
W00T on the Palm/GCalendar thing. I'll be a willing guinea pig if you want to test it sometime on someone else's stuff. :)
Happy Thursday!
Comment on post brain dump:
I am in awe of your coding ability! I think it's great that you are tackling the Palm/GCalendar issue. I am your biggest fan of the project, I think. *grin*
*hug* have a great day!
Comment on post weekendish activities!:
OOOOH! I can't wait to see this Palm/Google patch thingy-ma-jig! I'm really interested in the capability of a web calendar that I can put a link to so people see my obligations (especially during ASMC production times, but also if I go back to Austin Civic Chorus in the fall for the Bach B Minor Mass). Keep me posted on that! OH, and Jay says "he did it in rails? COOL!" *grin*
Comment on post I went to the 108th best high school in the country!:
even my hubby's math & science magnet school in MI didn't make the list. Seems the data is a bit skewed towards odd parameters.
Comment on post I went to the 108th best high school in the country!:
mine wasn't either, but I wouldn't expect it to be. It was the oldest HS in the state of Indiana, and it showed that at EVERY seam. As sophomores, we were advised that 25% of our class would not make it to graduation, and they were right. My class size droppped from the 700s to the 500s in three years. How sad! So, are we supposed to be honored by NOT making the list and still succeeding? (grin)
Comment on post just a few links:
Apple Ads, good, mmmkay? ;) I had to share the link with my hubby! As for the "bundled apps" bit, they were being specific about iLife, which is only aps such as iPhoto, iWeb, iMovieHD, iDVD, and GarageBand - all of which are multimedia driven. The antitrust cases (I believe) are about browsers/media players/et al, being bundled together by Microsoft, not leaving room for competition (a non-issue currently for Mac). Please don't count this comment as fact, because I don't have sources to cite, but that's what I understand the difference to be. (smile)
And I agree, Mac guy is cute!!
Comment on post everybody's working for last weekend:
I wish I understood the bit about creating a Palm event on Google Calendar, but it sounds REALLY cool anyway! :)
I can't wait to work with you on the summer musical this year! I think it's going to be one of the best shows yet! :)
Comment on post weekend, everybody's working for the:
wicked politicians. I think that's pretty lame to pretend you care, only to get back into a gas-guzzler. But, the kicker for me was the fellow looked like he could stand to lose a few pounds and it said "to drive the few blocks back to the capitol." Avoid both cars why don't you and walk!? :)
Comment on post passing the time...:
let me know if you come up with a way to upload from palm/palm desktop to Google Calendar - I'm TOTALLY interested. How frustrating that they aren't supporting that themselves!?!
Comment on post baby news:
I got tons of girl baby clothes. Granted, they might be off-season, but the BOY stuff, on the other hand, is all right on target for a fall birth (grin)!!!
Comment on post it's my birthday!:
Comment on post Feingold for president!:
*sigh* Sadly, it's one of the worst states to have a senator support gay marriage. The churches up there are so ultra-conservative, they won't even elect women clergy for the most part. (I experienced this first-hand, as I used to attend church camp up near OshKosh back in the day.) I wish to heck more people believed in it though - if you love someone, why can't you pronounce it to the world and have it recognized? Should it matter who that person is to anyone outside the union? I think not. *hug*
Comment on post early morning post!:
When I clicked on my most recent posting, using your link-thingy-ma-jig, it only showed me the top two paragraphs of the longer post. Is that what happens to y'all when you do the same? :(
Comment on post Link Friday!:
ooh! love those links. Jay and I tittered over the news. Hrm, well, *I* tittered, and Jay played it cool. Jay is predicting CoreDuo iBooks in April, so I guess we'll have to wait and see. I guess there is another conference in April, as well as April 1 being Apple's 30th anniversary, so be on the lookout for big news. We're excited about the MacBook Pro's too, but we love our 12 inch models SO much we aren't willing to upgrade yet.
Speaking of the MacBook, interesting side note that Jay can't find any references to battery life on them. He's wondering if the new processor drops the battery life significantly or not. Veeeery interesting ...
Happy weekend!
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