Posts in October 2007
October 1 10:56:00 - nightbane down! (2 comments)
October 2 15:50:00 - clearing out tabs (1 comments)
October 4 10:49:00 - wireless dreaming
October 4 18:10:00 - netflix (3 comments)
October 5 23:51:00 - my problem is... (5 comments)
October 8 15:35:00 - cluesolver, pictures (2 comments)
October 8 16:08:00 - possibly the coolest shirt ever
October 9 12:11:00 - washing machine follies (5 comments)
October 9 17:21:00 - computer >> me
October 11 14:54:00 - remotes, registration, etc.
October 14 21:37:00 - segway tour! (1 comments)
October 17 15:01:00 - lapping it up (1 comments)
October 18 11:31:00 - Theorycrafting: upgrades from Kara
October 22 01:41:00 - insomnia
October 23 10:46:00 - shirts I want, internet options (1 comments)
October 23 14:50:00 - house-buying tips (17 comments)
October 24 14:38:00 - video tour of our apartment
October 25 10:49:00 - time warner not the problem? (2 comments)
October 25 14:42:00 - more washer fun (2 comments)
October 28 16:59:00 - clue solver done! (3 comments)
October 30 12:52:00 - things are already better! (9 comments)
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