origami success!...mostly
Mood: accomplished
Posted on 2009-11-13 11:08:00
Tags: origami gay politics links
Words: 139
After a few hours of assembling, here's what I ended up with:
(more pictures behind the link) It's pretty unwieldly...hopefully it will survive on my desk for a little while.
- I've seen this around, but this support for same-sex marriage by age and state is pretty striking. Hopefully the 18-29 crowd will keep their opinion as they age :-)
- A US interstate map drawn like the London tube map. Really, I'm a sucker for anything that looks like a London tube map :-)
- Anyone else use Steepster? It's a neat way to keep track of teas and stuff. I might start recording ones I like...
- Because of some of the issues with Obama/the DNC I mentioned, a DNC donor boycott is being launched by the people at AmericaBlog. I signed up, although I don't know if I'll stick with it.
1 comment
Comment from krikwennavd:
It's kinda interesting to see the geographic location of the states in comparison to their relative support. It saddens me to think that, of states that I truly think of as Deep-South, Texas is the most supportive.(And no, New Mexico and Arizona aren't "Southern." If "Freebird" isn't a concert favorite, it's not the South)
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