same-sex marriage legal in vermont!
Mood: ecstatic
Posted on 2009-04-07 10:03:00
Tags: gay politics
Words: 35
This just in - the House passed the override vote 100-49, which is exactly what was needed. Vermont is the first state to allow same-sex marriage without a court order.
I have a map to update!
Comment from cifarelli:
Yay!! :)
Comment from omega697:
Go Vermont! :o)
Comment from spchampion:
Oh noes! Civilization will soon end in Vermont just like it has here in Massachusetts! I tell you, our low crime rates and well educated population are just terrible!
Just last night, I had to swerve my car to avoid running over several imaginary pitchfork and torch carrying mobs.
And lets not forget all of those marriages that have been destroyed here, including mine!
Vermont will rue the day it empowered gay people to spend money in their state. They could even settle there, adding unimaginable amounts of economic power and value. Rue the day I tell you!
Comment from spchampion:
By the way, hidden in my sarcasm was an implied "go Vermont!" :)
Comment from wonderjess:
Maple syrup, teddy bears, and now there anything Vermont doesn't rock at?
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