more early voting info
Mood: blah
Posted on 2008-10-23 11:51:00
Tags: politics
Words: 109
As a follow up to my previous early voting post:
Here's the Austin League of Women Voters Guide (20 page pdf). Part of the irritating part is knowing which local things you get to vote for - this Travis County voter registration lookup tells you what congressional and state senate district you're in, as well as your county commissioner district, and even your polling place on election day if you're unable to early vote. Here's a sample ballot lookup for Williamson County.
Interestingly, the Austin American-Statesman voting against Proposition 2 (the "Stop Domain Subsidies one") this morning. I was planning to vote yes on it, but now I'm not sure...
Comment from liz_gregory:
dammit, they should have run that article BEFORE I voted!! I would like to change my vote, please...
Comment from gregstoll:
Yeah, I wish they'd finish their endorsements before early voting starts...
Comment from yerfdogyrag:
Ya - even the Austin Chronicle came out against 2, but it was very contentious even inside the paper. Basically, it sounds like it's a good idea, but it's a bit too blunt of an instrument. I liked the Chronicle's reasoning: if we don't like how the council is spending money, we should vote them out, not hamstring their successors.
Comment from djedi:
I agree. It seems like we need stricter controls on how the council gets to hand businesses our money, but this is way too blunt of an instrument.
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