Posts on October 14, 2005
that's my life in a nutshell...
Mood: optimistic
Posted on 2005-10-14 14:35:00
Tags: todolist robolab charlottesweb
Words: 300
Another busy week here - did my first robolab on Wednesday and shadowed interviews at UT on Thursday. Robolab went pretty well - this year I'm working with older kids, which is good, and there are fewer with them (around 6), which is also good. Also, I have some experience, which is good. All sorts of goodness going on there.
The interviews went fine yesterday - doing 8 of them in a day is pretty grueling, though...and I wasn't even doing the talking! I was just observing, and I do feel that I have some idea of how to do it now. When I'll get to do it at Rice is an open question, however.
Go Astros! You can register to be in a lottery for World Series tickets if you hurry - closes at 5 PM (CST) today. Contrary to what I heard, there is no obligation to buy tickets if you win the lottery, so I'm going to sign up right now!
The last Charlotte's Web show is this Sunday, and it's already sold out from what I hear. I'm glad it went so well, and I'm going to miss it (especially the people I've gotten to hang out with), but it will be nice to have my weekends back. I heard that there will in fact be a video, though, so wonderjess and Carrie will get to see it, as well as any of y'all who are interested. :-)
Worked on my todo list app some more - now the notes are saved and you can have newlines in them. I bought a copy of "Getting Things Done" today, so I may improve the todo list with suggestions from there. Or I might get fancy and let you drag and drop entries to reorder them. We'll see :-)
Hope everyone's having a good Friday!
Mood: pensive
Posted on 2005-10-14 15:32:00
Words: 31
A woman in NYC gets Chris Rock's old cell phone number - a cute story.
Librarian gets back at junk-faxer - good stuff!
I like reading - he has lots of interesting links.
file extension!
Mood: tired
Posted on 2005-10-14 23:29:00
Tags: quiz
Words: 37
Thanks to abstractseaweed!
src="" width="300" height="90"
border="0" alt="You are .mpg You live life like it was a movie. Constantly in motion, you bring pleasure to many, but are often hidden away.">
Which File Extension are You?
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