Day 12: Bus tour, Bardini Gardens
We took a bus tour around Florence and Fiesole, and strolled through the Bardini Gardens. LJ recap
Date: 10/13/2012
Owner: Gregory Stoll
Size: 19 items
The bus tour we were on went down some narrow streets!
Date: 09/20/2012
Views: 8983
The Arno river, as seen from Ponte San Niccolo.
Date: 09/20/2012
Views: 7101
The view from Piazza Michaelangelo was very nice. (the piazza itself looked rather crowded!)
Date: 09/20/2012
Views: 7583
A closeup of part of the view from Piazza Michaelangelo.
Date: 09/20/2012
Views: 7012
I took a panorama from Piazza Michaelangelo - follow the link to see the real version!
Date: 10/13/2012
Views: 6658
A statue in Piazza Galileo. I assume the statue is of Galileo himself, but I'm not sure...
Date: 09/20/2012
Views: 7514
A frescoed building. Italy is all about the frescos!
Date: 09/20/2012
Views: 8310
Us on the Ponte San Trinita (with Ponte Vecchio behind us). At least David looks good...
Date: 09/20/2012
Views: 7797
The famous Ponte Vecchio.
Date: 09/20/2012
Views: 7636
I'm not sure if Florentine scrapbooking is any different than regular scrapbooking, but it sounds intriguing!
Date: 09/20/2012
Views: 7850
Vespa parking! This was a relatively common sight.
Date: 09/20/2012
Views: 7073
In between legs of the bus tour, we walked to the Bardini Gardens. Here I am after climbing a bunch of steps.
Date: 09/20/2012
Views: 7999
A view of Florence from the Bardini Gardens. (the steps were worth it :-) )
Date: 09/20/2012
Views: 7958
David enjoying the view of Florence (well, he was until I told him to turn around so I could take this picture :-) )
Date: 09/20/2012
Views: 7796
A panorama of this part of the Bardini gardens - click for the full version!
Date: 10/13/2012
Views: 6852
After the long climb, I rewarded myself with this tasty chocolate and coconut bar.
Date: 09/20/2012
Views: 6777
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