Day 1: Arrive in Rome, Modern Art gallery
We arrived in Rome and took a gander at the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna (modern art gallery) LJ recap
Date: 09/22/2012
Owner: Gregory Stoll
Size: 10 items
David by the fountain in Piazza Barberini - this was right around the corner from our hotel. We tried to take a picture by every fountain we saw...and were mostly successful.
Date: 09/09/2012
Views: 6938
In that vein, here I am by a fountain in the mostly-closed ancient art museum. (Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica in Palazzo Barberini)
Date: 09/09/2012
Views: 5791
David by a fountain in the garden of the ancient art museum.
Date: 09/09/2012
Views: 6296
More of Piazza Barberini. Our hotel (Hotel King) is just off to the left down the street a bit.
Date: 09/09/2012
Views: 6927
I was surprised to see a plaque dedicated to George Washington in the park Villa Borghese. Weird!
Date: 09/09/2012
Views: 6383
Me by a turtle fountain outside the modern art gallery (Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna)
Date: 09/09/2012
Views: 7028
Closeup on a turtle!
Date: 09/09/2012
Views: 6618
Art David liked: "Le frecce della vita" by Giacomo Balla (1928)
Date: 09/09/2012
Views: 5936
Art David liked: "Cleopatra" by Alfonso Balzico (c. 1874)
Date: 09/09/2012
Views: 6015
More pretty art in the modern art museum.
Date: 09/09/2012
Views: 7004
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