1. Default, no options, three handles

Resize me
I was made resizable with this code only:
$('div').resizable({ minHeight: 100, minWidth: 350 });

2. Autohiding handles (all directions)

Resize me
I was made resizable with this code only:
$('div').resizable({ handles: 'all', autohide: true, minHeight: 100, minWidth: 350 });

3. Textareas and Inputs

4. Images

4.1 Preserve Aspect Ratio
$('#preserveRatioImage').resizable({ aspectRatio: 'preserve' });

4.2 Image Resize with a helper (proxy) - Increases Performance!
$('#proxyImage').resizable({ proxy: 'proxy', aspectRatio: 'preserve' });

4.3 Transparent Handles
$('#transparentImage').resizable({ transparent: true, proxy: 'proxy' });

4.4 Simple Image Resize without a helper (proxy)