#!/usr/bin/python3 import cgi, os, sys, re, os.path, urllib.parse, shutil, time import matplotlib # Turn off DISPLAY matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from matplotlib import ticker from getstats import getProbability from getstats import getProbabilityOfString from tempfile import mkstemp form = cgi.FieldStorage() print('Content-type: text/html\n\n') print('') print('
These image files are cleaned out every few hours, so please download a copy of the image if you want to keep it. Or see below to save a text representation that can be easily re-entered.
') #for key in form: #print '%s: %s
' % (key, form[key].value) hasDirectText = False for key in form: situationMatch = re.match(r'^situation(\d+)$', key) if (situationMatch): lastSituation = int(situationMatch.group(1)) elif (key == 'directtext'): hasDirectText = True directSituationLines = form["directtext"].value.split("\n") directSituationLines = [line.strip() for line in directSituationLines] directSituationLines = [line for line in directSituationLines if line != ''] directSituationLines = [line for line in directSituationLines if (not line.startswith('//'))] lastSituation = len(directSituationLines) - 1 title = form["title"].value if ("doKey" in form): doKey = form["doKey"].value else: doKey = False if ("doRunsScored" in form): doRunsScored = form["doRunsScored"].value else: doRunsScored = False if (not doRunsScored): doKey = False probs = [] xValues = [] inningStarts = [] # Stores (frame number, change in score) runEntries = {} runEntries['H'] = [] runEntries['V'] = [] lastScoreDiff = 0 lastHomeOrVisitor = 'H' for i in range(0, lastSituation + 1): if (not hasDirectText): inningCombined = form["inning%d" % i].value outs = int(form["outs%d" % i].value) runners = int(form["runner%d" % i].value) scoreDiff = int(form["score%d" % i].value) if (len(inningStarts) == 0 or inningCombined != inningStarts[-1][0]): inningStarts.append((inningCombined, i)) homeOrVisitor = inningCombined[0] inning = int(inningCombined[1:]) prob = getProbability(homeOrVisitor, inning, outs, runners, scoreDiff) else: curLine = directSituationLines[i] curLine = curLine.strip() curLineComponents = curLine.split(',') homeOrVisitor = curLineComponents[0][1:2] inning = int(curLineComponents[1]) inningCombined = homeOrVisitor + str(inning) runners = int(curLineComponents[3]) outs = int(curLineComponents[2]) scoreDiff = int(curLineComponents[4]) if (len(inningStarts) == 0 or inningCombined != inningStarts[-1][0]): inningStarts.append((inningCombined, i)) prob = getProbabilityOfString(curLine) # Keep a list of x-values, too if (prob != -1): # We want to show home probabilities if (homeOrVisitor == 'V'): prob = 1 - prob probs.append(prob) xValues.append(i) else: # Correct for end conditions if (inning >= 9 and homeOrVisitor == 'H' and scoreDiff > 0): prob = 1 probs.append(prob) xValues.append(i) elif (inning > 9 and homeOrVisitor == 'V' and scoreDiff > 0): prob = 0 probs.append(prob) xValues.append(i) else: # We should never see this value in the graph, but we need to keep # the probs list in sync. # TODO - put a marker on the graph? probs.append(-1) if (homeOrVisitor == lastHomeOrVisitor): if (scoreDiff != lastScoreDiff): runEntries[homeOrVisitor].append((i, scoreDiff - lastScoreDiff)) else: if (scoreDiff != -1 * lastScoreDiff): runEntries[lastHomeOrVisitor].append((i, -1 * lastScoreDiff - scoreDiff)) lastHomeOrVisitor = homeOrVisitor lastScoreDiff = scoreDiff if (inningStarts[-1][1] == lastSituation): # This is just an entry to show the final outcome of the game, so don't # plot on x-axis. inningStarts = inningStarts[:-1] #for key in os.environ: #print "%s: %s
" % (key, os.environ[key]) (tempPngFile, tempPngFileName) = mkstemp(suffix=".png") os.close(tempPngFile) axes = plt.axes() plt.ylim(0,1) plt.xlim(0, max(xValues)) plt.ylabel("Win Probability") plt.title(title) plt.plot(xValues, probs, 'g') xTicks = [] for entry in inningStarts: combinedInning = entry[0] index = entry[1] xTicks.append((index, combinedInning)) plt.yticks(np.linspace(0, 1, num=5, endpoint=True)) def y_axis_formatter(x, p): return "%d%%" % (int(x * 100),) axes.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter(y_axis_formatter)) plt.xticks(rotation=90) plt.xticks([x[0] for x in xTicks]) axes.set_xticklabels([x[1] for x in xTicks]) plt.grid(axis='both', linestyle='-', color='0.5') # Find the points where runs were scored. if (doRunsScored): pointsToPlot = {} for homeOrVisitor in list(runEntries.keys()): pointsToPlot[homeOrVisitor] = [] for runTuple in runEntries[homeOrVisitor]: index = runTuple[0] yVal = probs[index] pointsToPlot[homeOrVisitor].append((index, yVal, runTuple[1])) #if (len(xTicksString) > 2): # g('set xtics %s' % xTicksString) # g('set grid ytics xtics') #else: # g('set grid ytics') #g.plot(list(zip(xValues, probs))) # Plot the points where runs were scored # Indicate how many runs scored by the number of boxes around it (the boxes # get bigger) def plotRunsScored(pointsToPlot, homeOrVisitorName, color, doKey): haveTitled = False for pointToPlot in pointsToPlot: for pointSize in range(1, pointToPlot[2] + 1): label = None if (doKey and not haveTitled and pointSize == 1): label = 'Runs for %s' % (homeOrVisitorName,) haveTitled = True pointPlot = plt.scatter(pointToPlot[0], pointToPlot[1], 25*pointSize*pointSize, edgecolor=color, facecolor=(1, 1, 1, 0), marker='s', label=label) if (doRunsScored): if ('H' in pointsToPlot and len(pointsToPlot['H']) > 0): plotRunsScored(pointsToPlot['H'], 'Home', 'b', doKey) if ('V' in pointsToPlot and len(pointsToPlot['V']) > 0): plotRunsScored(pointsToPlot['V'], 'Visitor', 'r', doKey) if doKey: plt.legend(loc='best', scatterpoints=1) pngOptions = "" # TODO - make the size an option. if (xValues[-1] >= 100): # More than 100 entries means we're kind of long, so make the graph bigger. if (xValues[-1] >= 150): pngOptions = "size %d, %d" % (1024, 768) else: pngOptions = "size %d, %d" % (800, 600) plt.savefig(tempPngFileName) time.sleep(0.5) pictureName = os.path.join(os.getcwd() + '/images', os.path.basename(tempPngFileName)) #print "%s to %s
" % (newTempName, pictureName) shutil.copyfile(tempPngFileName, pictureName) urlName = urllib.parse.urljoin(os.environ['SCRIPT_URI'], 'images/' + os.path.basename(pictureName)) print('Note that the number of boxes around a point indicate the number of runs scored on that play.
') print('Here is a text representation of the game that you can use to input again:
') print('') # print out textual representation for i in range(0, lastSituation + 1): if (not hasDirectText): inningCombined = form["inning%d" % i].value outs = int(form["outs%d" % i].value) runners = int(form["runner%d" % i].value) scoreDiff = int(form["score%d" % i].value) homeOrVisitor = inningCombined[0] inning = int(inningCombined[1:]) print('"%s",%d,%d,%d,%d' % (homeOrVisitor, inning, outs, runners, scoreDiff)) else: print(directSituationLines[i]) print('') # TODO - output .csv representation of probs or something? print('') print('') print('')