Tag python challenge (3)
Posted on 2005-06-27 12:57:00
Tags: asmc python challenge allergies
Words: 393
Ever since we got back from the Disney World trip, my allergies have been kinda bad. It started out as the usual stuff (for me) - nose stuffed up, which causes my throat to be dry and scratchy, with the occasional headache. The weird thing is that they haven't gone away, and are getting worse. The last few nights I've had to get up in the middle of the night so I could stop coughing (sitting up helps), which means that today I'm tired on top of everything else. If I didn't know better, I'd say it was a cold (but I doubt that it is).
The optimist in me thinks that the problem is that there's mold or mildew in the apartment (the air conditioning has been leaking like nobody's business, and the maintenance people have come out a couple of times to "fix" it...), because then at least we could fix the problem and I'd feel better. I hope it's not just "normal" allergies, because these suck.
Anyhow, despite feeling kinda cruddy, I managed to have a pretty nice weekend. Saturday was ASMC rehearsal, where we learned our last song and choreography (not bad...) and got out way early, so I spent the afternoon on the couch with djedi playing FFX-2. I'm starting to get into it a little bit - seems like a neat game. Saturday night we went out to dinner with destroyerj and then saw "Batman Begins", which I enjoyed a lot. Afterwards we stopped by destroyerj's place to watch some Half-Life 2 stuff (which he had just beaten).
Sunday I came into work for a few hours, but beforehand djedi and I walked around the nature trails here at work. It was fun, and neat to explore the grounds a little more, although it was quite hot! Didn't end up getting the work done that I had wanted (not my fault), but oh well. Then wildrice13 came over after supper for more FFX-2.
In other news, I'm totally hooked on the Python Challenge - I was a little discouraged when I needed hints on levels 5 and 6, but I made it up to level 12 (and now I'm pretty stuck!) Having a lot of fun with it, though.
Just took some Sudafed which should help my various ailments and make the afternoon more pleasant. Then ASMC rehearsal tonight again.
flag burning, mostly
Mood: mellow
Music: nothin' at the moment
Posted on 2005-06-23 10:15:00
Tags: activism flag burning python challenge
Words: 263
So the House passed the flag-burning amendment yesterday, and people think it has a chance in the Senate.
Quick poll on the subject:
I wrote my senators (Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn) just now.
I would urge you to vote against the constitutional amendment that would give
Congress the power to ban desecration of the American flag. I agree that the
flag is a powerful symbol of our country, that many have fought and died for.
However, they have fought and died for the freedoms that the flag represents,
including the freedom to disagree with the government. Free speech is one of
our country's most important rights, and any curtailment of such should be
In addition, flag burning is such a rare event that it seems foolish to amend
the Constitution to prevent it. Our Constitution has been amended very few
times in the history of our nation, and never has it been amended for trivial
or symbolic reasons.
All these concerns notwithstanding, the text of the proposed amendment is very
broad and open to interpretations. Does this mean that wearing or washing a
T-shirt with a picture of the American flag on it is "desecrating" it?
I hope you share my concerns about this amendment, and I would be interested in
hearing your thoughts on the matter. Thank you for your time!
In non-flag related news, I did another Python Challenge level, but I'm stuck on level 5.
ASMC rehearsal is tonight - hopefully it won't be as tiring as the last one. Especially since I'm more tired going into it...
And now I am smart...I mean tired
Mood: tired
Music: nothin' right now
Posted on 2005-06-22 15:10:00
Tags: python challenge allergies sleep
Words: 190
So I found myself unable to get to sleep last night after I was in bed. I think it was a combination of being wrapped up in a small computer project right before bed and having a lot of caffeine (although I had finished my last coke by 8 or so, which I thought was OK since I didn't end up going to bed until midnight). And my throat was bothering me, as it has been for the last two weeks because of allergies. Ugh.
I got up, drank some water (which helped the throat) and worked another level of the Python Challenge (I'm up to level 4...), which is a lot of fun if you like programming (and Python :-) ). That was enough to get me back to sleep a bit later. So I'm tired today, but it isn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be.
Work's going pretty well - I'm on track to finish my project by the end of the week. Unfortunately testing has brought to light some unrelated issues that I may or may not be responsible for. We'll see!
(more del.icio.us evangelization next time...)
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