sick link saturday:
Mood: sick
Posted on 2014-01-18 16:26:00
Tags: links
Words: 361
Caught a stomach virus (or something) but I'm on the mend, so here's something to distract myself!
- How Netflix Reverse Engineered Hollywood - talks about Netflix's microgenres, which I found fascinating. Also, now I want to see "Irreverent Reunited Lovers Werewolf Movies". And the bit about Raymond Burr is just strange!
- How Rush Limbaugh Decides What Is True - the short answer is "true conservatives are always right". Although I admit I probably default to giving Obama the benefit of the doubt, I certainly don't agree with him always...
- Good News You Might Have Missed in 2013 - by Bill Gates
- The Price Is Wrong And You Know It: Do You Buy That Ticket? - as I get older I find myself looking more at the motivations behind why businesses give away stuff and try not to take advantage of them. Although I still take samples from HEB even if I don't intend to buy them. (theoretically if they're good enough I might, right?) Anyway, airline fares are so crazy it's hard to know what is "obviously" a mistake anyhow.
- How Sleep Deprivation Decays the Mind and Body - the author stayed up for four days in a row as a teenager and it (might have) had effects on him for a long time. More on sleep: Goodnight. Sleep Clean. Sleep is important, everyone! (I have slept a _lot_ this weekend already, what with being sick...)
- Ask Culture and Guess Culture - very interesting difference. I think I'm more of a Guess person, or at least I would feel the same way about responding to a request as the original poster did - by trying to find an excuse. (thanks Emily!)
- The greatest newspaper correction ever written (49 years too late) (thanks Adam!)
- Aaron Rodgers: ‘I Really, Really Like Women’ - siiiiigh.
- Bisexual: A Label With Layers - Tom Daley (a British Olympic diver) came out as bisexual recently.
- Is 4K BS? - yeah, I'm pretty sure I couldn't see a difference between the 4K TV's at CES and their "regular" HD counterparts.
- A nicely summarized look at how strong companies are at protecting your data from the government done by EFF.
- The Great Handbell War - hardcore rivalry between handbell makers
1 comment
Comment from flamingophoenix:
I'm glad you appreciated the Ask/Guess stuff. I found it incredibly enlightening in explaining my difficulties with other people (I am heavy, heavy on the Ask).
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