early morning thoughts!
Mood: determined
Posted on 2005-12-12 09:49:00
Tags: links del.icio.us
Words: 84
Well, not really early, but you know...
Yahoo! bought del.icio.us late last week. Between that and flickr, Yahoo has some pretty nice stuff these days. Good for them!
Good tips for using del.icio.us.
I'm now level 2 on Yahoo! Answers. Woohoo! Next up - level 3!
If you're looking to get a USB drive for someone, why not get them a weird USB drive? I can't decide which is creepier - the thumb or the Barbie whose head you rip off to plug it in. Heh.
Comment from destroyerj:
Hmm, some of those are pretty weird, but I bet people could easily come up with much much weirder drives. People need to try harder for next year.
Comment from gregstoll:
Well, I'm sure you could come up with weirder drives, but these are actually for sale. Come up with a weirder drive and produce it, and I promise you a link from my livejournal!
Comment from destroyerj:
Well yes, that's my point, they should make the weirder drives which are surely easy to come up with.
Comment from cifarelli:
I want the rubber duckie one! :)
(I have a small but growing "weird rubber duckie" collection in my bathroom)
Comment from onefishclappin:
You've gotten me slightly addicted to Yahoo! Answers... Bad Greg...
Comment from gregstoll:
Ooh, what's your user id?
Comment from onefishclappin:
So far, I haven't asked anything, answered a couple questions about cats, and rated some answers. But I kinda like just digging around...
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