frustrated links
Mood: frustrated
Posted on 2012-02-24 14:53:00
Tags: links
Words: 189

It's Friday! It is Friday, right? TGIF.

Serious links:

- Mitt Romney's Tax Plan Is a Mathematical Disaster - you mean cutting everyone's taxes by 20% won't help the deficit? I'm shocked!

- Aside from the recent dustup with Planned Parenthood, the Susan G. Komen foundation has a nasty habit of "blaming the victim" when it's pretty clear that, while mammography is better than nothing, it's definitely not a panacea for the quickly metastasizing cancers that tend to be more fatal.

- Rick Santorum Wants Your Sex Life to Be 'Special'...and I want Rick Santorum to stop talking about my sex life. (of course he's not talking about me, he wants my sex life to be nonexistant, I assume)

- Why Do We Still Care About the Dow? - even just as a stock market index, it's pretty terrible.

- Contraception’s Con Men

Less serious links:

- What Jeremy Lin Teaches Us About Talent - spoiler: it teaches us that sports teams are terrible at predicting it!

- Now George Lucas says that Han never shot first, you were just confused. Le sigh.

- How Much Would it Cost to build the Death Star? - it would cost a lot.


Comment from brittongregory:

Thanks for the link on contraception; I was always fuzzy on the particulars of Catholic doctrine in that regard.

Comment from cifarelli:

I appreciated that one as well!

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