lots of stuff
Mood: concerned
Posted on 2005-08-30 13:59:00
Tags: pictures projecteuler referrer
Words: 178
I meant to post yesterday, but didn't have the time. And I don't really have the time today, but if I wait another day I'm sure to forget stuff. So here goes!
I put pictures of my recent vacation up, which means I'm now caught up on pictures. Woohoo!
I'm going to see "Wicked" in November, which I'm psyched about! It should be a lot of fun. I just need to stop listening to the music for a while so I don't get sick of it :-)
Still having fun with Project Euler - I've moved up to #130something on the rankings, which is good, I guess. I'm averaging about a problem a day, which is a nice and slow pace...
Fun referrer links:
- Searching for cow riding on Ask Jeeves leads to this picture, which seems appropriate.
- Another "naked" query (naked rice university run pictures on Yahoo) leads to Jonathan's album. No luck for the searcher, though!
- Barbara Stoll on MSN gives my gallery page, which makes sense. But I don't know of a Barbara Stoll related to me...
Comment from wonderjess:
it's me! riding the cow! wooooooooooooooo!
Comment from gregstoll:
Go you!
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