a few Monday links
Mood: okay
Posted on 2010-01-18 15:23:00
Tags: music links
Words: 129
According to The Advocate, Austin is the ninth-gayest city in the US. Atlanta is #1, which kinda surprised me.
OK Go has a new music video out, and it's pretty good. It includes the Notre Dame marching band playing with them, which I generally like (see Radiohead with the USC marching band). Of course, OK Go is no stranger to cool music videos - they did the neato treadmill one for their last album.
The original YouTube video is not embeddable, and a member of the band wrote a long post explaining why that's so. Basically, their label (EMI) gets paid a small amount for each YouTube view, but their tracker can't count embedded hits, but there's a bit of philosophy about how different the music business is these days.
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