origami dreams
Mood: busy
Posted on 2009-11-13 12:54:00
Tags: origami dreams
Words: 50

After spending so long with the origami units last night, I saw the folds when I closed my eyes, and had a dream that some origami bees were flying around trying to destroy my origami construction. It was weird :-)

Also, they found a "significant" amount of water on the moon!


Comment from krikwennavd:

So what book/books are you using to learn your origami? I have a couple that were suggested as the best to learn from, but it looks like you jumped in pretty deep right away!

Comment from gregstoll:

Most of the designs I've actually done are from the only book I had when I was a kid: Unit Origami: Multidimensional Transformations by Tomoku Fuse which is pretty good. Of the books I've gotten recently, I haven't yet successfully completed a design from them so I'm going to withhold judgment for a bit :-)

Comment from djedi:

Well, he's not really learning, more refreshing and going a bit deeper. He's done origami and unit origami many "times" before.

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