NYC pictures
Mood: calm
Posted on 2007-08-29 09:19:00
Tags: dreams pictures
Words: 165
Pictures from our NYC trip are now up. If you like strange and interesting street signs, this gallery is for you!
djedi had to get up earlier than I did, so when his alarm went off we cuddled for a minute then he got up. I was trying to go back to sleep, but he kept making noise in the bathroom and living room, and occasionally coming back in the bedroom and making more noise so I couldn't. I eventually got irritated and started yelling at him and we got in a nasty fight when it was time for me to get up. Eventually he was ready to go, and he walked out the door while we were still fighting...
...and then I woke up for real. (everything after the first sentence above was a dream) My subconscious loses points for a) having us fighting 2) being very uncreative when it comes to dreaming. A dream about not being able to sleep, how original! Jerk.
Comment from onefishclappin:
Ooh - nasty brain. Hopefully, you didn't hold a grudge after you woke up - I hate when I do that...
Comment from gregstoll:
Just the opposite - I felt guilty! (he was already gone when I got up, so it wasn't of great consequence)
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