Posts on February 3, 2010
LOST thoughts
Mood: irritated
Posted on 2010-02-03 14:34:00
Tags: lost
Words: 151
First, a few links to the Lostpedia summary of the episode and a short interview with Damon and Carlton.
Now, spoilers below!
I liked where it seems that they're going with the episodes with the "flashsideways", exploring an alternate reality where the plane doesn't crash but the characters are still, you know, mostly the same. I dug the scene with fake Locke/the smoke monster (mystery revealed!) and am definitely interested to see what he's going to be up to next. I liked the stories in 2004 with the main cast in the wreckage of the hatch (why did Juliet have to die...again!), but the stuff with the Temple kinda bored me. Partially because I can't take a guy who looks like this at all seriously.
So overall I enjoyed the episode but it wasn't one of my favorites. It looks like this season will be good, though.
What did y'all think?
Mood: content
Posted on 2010-02-03 22:48:00
Words: 50
Today at work kinda sucked, and tonight I didn't feel like programming, so I played some FIFA, watched the last episode of Firefly...and now for some Chuck. Time away from the computer is good! (except for checking on sales of LJ for WebOS, of course!)
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