Posts on April 23, 2007
score your representative!
Mood: good
Posted on 2007-04-23 09:39:00
Tags: movies homepage congressvotes
Words: 61
So over the weekend I finished congressvotes - check it out! (I also prettied up my homepage a little bit...maybe I'll actually make it look nice some day)
We did see Hot Fuzz this weekend, and it was awesome. Like Shaun of the Dead it's a good mix between a comedy and a serious movie (cop drama/mystery in this case). Highly recommended!
new heroes tonight!
Mood: excited
Posted on 2007-04-23 15:22:00
Tags: heroes
Words: 18
It's about time!
Recap of what everyone's up to (I have a terrible memory!)
Cute article about Hiro
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