#!/usr/bin/ruby -w # encoding: utf-8 require 'xmlrpc/client' require 'pp' require 'digest/md5' require 'rexml/document' require 'date' require 'net/http' require 'cgi' require 'fileutils' #require 'cgi/session' require './simplefilesession' require 'rubygems' require 'tzinfo' require 'rexml/document' # Add a starts_with? method class String def starts_with?(text) return false if (length < text.length) return (self[0,text.length] == text) end def makeFileNameSafe self.tr('/', '') end end module LJBackup AuthenticationClear = false LJAPIPrefix = "LJ.XMLRPC." ClientName = "Ruby-gregLJBackup/0.0.2" APISleepTime = 0.5 APICommentsPath = "/export_comments.bml" APIPollPath = "/poll/?id=" APIMemoriesPath = "/tools/memories.bml" OutputDir = "results/" PostsDir = "posts/" RecentPostsDir = "recent/" CommentsDir = "comments/" MoodsDir = "moods/" TagsDir = "tags/" CalendarDir = "calendar/" ImagesDir = "images/" SourceImagesDir = "images/" NumTopComments = 25 NumTopWords = 25 NumRecentPerPage = 25 MoodMap = {2 => 'angry', 1 => 'aggravated', 3 => 'annoyed', 110 => 'bitchy', 8 => 'cranky', 104 => 'cynical', 12 => 'enraged', 47 => 'frustrated', 95 => 'grumpy', 19 => 'infuriated', 20 => 'irate', 112 => 'irritated', 23 => 'moody', 24 => 'pissed off', 28 => 'stressed', 100 => 'rushed', 87 => 'awake', 6 => 'confused', 56 => 'curious', 45 => 'determined', 118 => 'predatory', 130 => 'devious', 11 => 'energetic', 59 => 'bouncy', 52 => 'hyper', 13 => 'enthralled', 15 => 'happy', 44 => 'amused', 125 => 'cheerful', 99 => 'chipper', 98 => 'ecstatic', 41 => 'excited', 16 => 'high', 17 => 'horny', 126 => 'good', 132 => 'grateful', 116 => 'impressed', 21 => 'jubilant', 86 => 'loved', 70 => 'optimistic', 43 => 'hopeful', 109 => 'pleased', 69 => 'refreshed', 62 => 'rejuvenated', 53 => 'relaxed', 68 => 'calm', 57 => 'mellow', 58 => 'peaceful', 77 => 'recumbent', 26 => 'satisfied', 64 => 'content', 63 => 'complacent', 65 => 'indifferent', 93 => 'full', 42 => 'relieved', 66 => 'silly', 106 => 'crazy', 35 => 'ditzy', 67 => 'flirty', 120 => 'giddy', 72 => 'giggly', 36 => 'mischievous', 117 => 'naughty', 105 => 'quixotic', 96 => 'weird', 121 => 'surprised', 122 => 'shocked', 131 => 'thankful', 32 => 'touched', 48 => 'indescribable', 102 => 'nerdy', 115 => 'dorky', 103 => 'geeky', 61 => 'okay', 92 => 'blah', 33 => 'lazy', 78 => 'exanimate', 114 => 'apathetic', 113 => 'blank', 75 => 'lethargic', 76 => 'listless', 25 => 'sad', 5 => 'bored', 7 => 'crappy', 129 => 'crushed', 9 => 'depressed', 55 => 'disappointed', 10 => 'discontent', 80 => 'envious', 38 => 'gloomy', 71 => 'pessimistic', 133 => 'jealous', 22 => 'lonely', 39 => 'melancholy', 37 => 'morose', 124 => 'numb', 123 => 'rejected', 81 => 'sympathetic', 74 => 'uncomfortable', 84 => 'cold', 119 => 'dirty', 34 => 'drunk', 14 => 'exhausted', 40 => 'drained', 31 => 'tired', 51 => 'groggy', 49 => 'sleepy', 111 => 'guilty', 83 => 'hot', 18 => 'hungry', 54 => 'restless', 82 => 'sick', 97 => 'nauseated', 27 => 'sore', 29 => 'thirsty', 85 => 'worried', 46 => 'scared', 4 => 'anxious', 127 => 'distressed', 79 => 'embarrassed', 128 => 'intimidated', 134 => 'nervous', 30 => 'thoughtful', 101 => 'contemplative', 60 => 'nostalgic', 73 => 'pensive', 88 => 'working', 90 => 'accomplished', 108 => 'artistic', 91 => 'busy', 107 => 'creative', 89 => 'productive'} LJPollCSS = ".ljpoll-results-line{position:relative;display:inline-block;height:7px;min-width:6px;max-width:90%;margin:0 0 7px;padding:0;vertical-align:-5px;border-radius:3px;background:#7A202C;background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top,#7A202C 0,#9D2738 1px,#9F021A 2px,#AD0720 3px,#DB0728 4px,#F0072B 5px,#840116 6px);background:linear-gradient(to bottom,#7A202C 0,#9D2738 1px,#9F021A 2px,#AD0720 3px,#DB0728 4px,#F0072B 5px,#840116 6px);font:0/0 a}" # Add a starts_with? method class String def starts_with?(text) return false if (length < text.length) return (self[0,text.length] == text) end end class TextLogger def logError(message, isFatal) if isFatal raise message else puts message end end def logText(message, isDone) puts message end def logDebug(message) puts "DEBUG: " + message.to_s end end class SessionLogger def initialize(session, params) @session = session #@cgi = cgi @params = params self.closeSess @debug = '' @realMessage = '' end def openSess() #@session = CGI::Session.new(@cgi, @params) @session = SimpleFileSession.new(@params) end def closeSess() @session.update @session.close @session = nil end def logError(message, isFatal) @realMessage = message.to_s self.openSess @session['status'] = @debug + @realMessage @session['done'] = isFatal @session['error'] = isFatal self.closeSess if (isFatal) raise message end end def logText(message, isDone) @realMessage = message self.openSess @session['status'] = @debug + @realMessage @session['done'] = isDone self.closeSess end def logDebug(message) @debug = @debug + "DEBUG: " + message self.openSess @session['status'] = @debug + @realMessage @session.update self.closeSess end end class LJRetriever def getAuthHash(challenge) response = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(challenge + Digest::MD5.hexdigest(@password)) return {:username => @username, :auth_method => "challenge", :auth_challenge => challenge, :auth_response => response, :ver => 1} end def getLJUserString(user) if (user == "anonymous") return "anonymous" else return "#{ user }" end end def getLJSession() if (@ljsession == nil) result = doMethod("sessiongenerate", :expiration => "long") @ljsession = result['ljsession'] end return @ljsession end def getPageWithRetry(path, headers={}) ljsession = getLJSession() siteUri = URI.parse("https://www.livejournal.com") ljsite = Net::HTTP.new(siteUri.host, siteUri.port) ljsite.use_ssl = true sleep(APISleepTime + @delay) # Try to handle transient errors numAttempts = 1 realHeaders = {} realHeaders.replace(headers) realHeaders['Cookie'] = 'ljsession=' + ljsession realHeaders['User-Agent'] = ClientName begin resp = ljsite.get2(path, realHeaders) rescue Exception if (numAttempts < @attempts) @logger.logText("Got exception for poll, retrying: #{ $! }", false) sleep(2.0 + @delay) numAttempts = numAttempts + 1 retry else @logger.logError("Error getting LJ page #{ path }. Check that your password is correct. If it is, wait a bit and try again.", true) end end return resp end def getPostSummary(postInfo, pathToRoot) toReturn = '' if (postInfo['locked']) toReturn += "\"locked\"" end toReturn += "#{ postInfo['subject'] }" return toReturn end def writePostMain(aFile, postInfo, pathToRoot, doComments=false) aFile.write("

") if (postInfo['locked']) aFile.write("\"locked\"") end aFile.write("#{ postInfo['subject'] }
\n") if (postInfo.include?('moodtext')) aFile.write("Mood: #{ postInfo['moodtext'] }
\n") end if (postInfo.include?('music')) aFile.write("Music: #{ postInfo['music'] }
\n") end if (postInfo.include?('location')) aFile.write("Location: #{ postInfo['location'] }
\n") end aFile.write("Posted on #{ postInfo['date'] }\n") if (postInfo['tags'] != nil) aFile.write("
Tags: ") postInfo['tags'].each {|tag| aFile.write("#{ tag } ")} end aFile.write("
Words: #{ postInfo['numWords'] }\n") aFile.write("

\n") event = postInfo['event'] # Tidy up the post here. event = tidyUpPost(event, pathToRoot, postInfo['id']) aFile.write("

\n") aFile.write("#{ event }\n") aFile.write("

\n") if (doComments) numComments = postInfo['numComments'] aFile.write("

#{ numComments } comment#{ if numComments != 1 then 's' end}

") end end def getLinks(html) links = [] linkRE = Regexp.new(' highestIdSeen) highestIdSeen = id end @comments[id] = {} end if (origMaxId == maxId) then break end end highestCommentDownloaded = -1 while (highestCommentDownloaded < maxId) do oldHighestCommentDownloaded = highestCommentDownloaded resp = getPageWithRetry(APICommentsPath + "?get=comment_body&startid=#{ highestCommentDownloaded + 1}") #File.open('TEMPTODO', 'w') do |aFile| # aFile.write(resp.body) #end # We think this is in UTF-8, but some old entries may be in some # codepage. String's encode method won't replace invalid characters # if the source and dest encoding are the same, so go back and forth # to UTF-16. respBody = resp.body.encode('utf-16', 'utf-8', {:invalid => :replace}) respBody.encode!('utf-8', 'utf-16') commentDoc = REXML::Document.new(respBody) commentDoc.elements.each('//comments/comment') do |elem| id = elem.attributes['id'].to_i if (id > highestCommentDownloaded) then highestCommentDownloaded = id end commentInfo = {} commentInfo['parentid'] = if (elem.attributes.include?('parentid')) elem.attributes['parentid'].to_i else 0 end commentInfo['posterid'] = if (elem.attributes.include?('posterid')) elem.attributes['posterid'].to_i else 0 end commentInfo['jitemid'] = elem.attributes['jitemid'].to_i if elem.elements['subject'] commentInfo['subject'] = elem.elements['subject'].text end if elem.elements['body'] commentInfo['body'] = elem.elements['body'].text end if elem.elements['date'] commentInfo['date'] = DateTime::parse(elem.elements['date'].text) end commentInfo['id'] = id #if (id == 1 or id == maxId) # pp commentInfo #end # If there's no body we're not interested. if (commentInfo.include?('body')) @comments[id] = commentInfo else @comments.delete(id) end end if (oldHighestCommentDownloaded == highestCommentDownloaded) break end end end def doMethod(methodName, *args) if (AuthenticationClear) params = {:username => @username, :hpassword => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(@password)} #params = {:username => @username, :password => @password} else result = callMethod("getchallenge") #pp result challenge = result['challenge'] params = getAuthHash(challenge) end #pp params if (args.length > 0) params.update(*args) end callMethod(methodName, params) end def callMethod(methodName, *args) # Try to handle transient errors firstTime = true recreatedServer = false begin sleep(APISleepTime) #@server.http_header_extra = {'Accept-Encoding': 'identity'} return @server.call(LJAPIPrefix + methodName, *args) rescue Exception if (firstTime) if not recreatedServer and ($!.to_s.strip == 'Broken pipe' or $!.to_s.strip == 'end of file reached') createServer() login() recreatedServer = true sleep(2.0) retry end @logger.logText("Got exception, retrying: #{ $! }", false) sleep(2.0) firstTime = false retry else @logger.logError("Error calling LJ method '#{ methodName }' - got exception #{ $! }. Check that your password is correct. If it is, wait a bit and try again.", true) end end end def login() @logger.logText("Doing login...", false) result = doMethod("login") @logger.logText("Logged in", false) @userInfo['fastserver'] = if (result.include?('fastserver')) then result['fastserver'] else 0 end if (@userInfo['fastserver'] == 1) @server.cookie = "ljfastserver=1" end end def makeEmptyDir(dirName) if (File.exist?(dirName)) FileUtils.rm(Dir.glob(dirName + "*")) else Dir.mkdir(dirName) end end def makeEmptyDirHtml(dirName) if (File.exist?(dirName)) FileUtils.rm(Dir.glob(dirName + "*.html")) else Dir.mkdir(dirName) end end def createServer() @server = XMLRPC::Client.new2("https://www.livejournal.com/interface/xmlrpc") end def sum(list) list.inject(0) { |sum,x| sum+x } end def std_dev(list) list_squared = list.map {|item| item*item} n = list.size right = (Float(sum(list)**2))/n return ((Float(sum(list_squared)) - right) / (n-1)) ** 0.5 end def main() makeEmptyDirHtml(@targetDir) makeEmptyDir(@targetDir + PostsDir) makeEmptyDir(@targetDir + RecentPostsDir) makeEmptyDir(@targetDir + CommentsDir) makeEmptyDir(@targetDir + MoodsDir) makeEmptyDir(@targetDir + TagsDir) makeEmptyDir(@targetDir + CalendarDir) makeEmptyDir(@targetDir + ImagesDir) # Copy images to the images directory FileUtils.copy(Dir.glob(SourceImagesDir + "*"), @targetDir + ImagesDir) createServer() login() getComments() firstDate = nil result = doMethod("getevents", :selecttype => "lastn", :howmany => 50, :lineendings => "unix") donePages = 0 stop = false while (result.include?('events') and result['events'] != nil and result['events'].length > 0 and not stop) @logger.logText("Processing #{ result['events'].length } pages (first is #{ result['events'][0]['eventtime'] }) - completed #{ donePages } pages so far", false) result['events'].each do |event| #if (event.include?('subject') and event['subject'] == 'ups and downs') #pp event['props'] #end savePageWithComments(event) if (firstDate == nil or event['eventtime'] < firstDate) firstDate = event['eventtime'] end end donePages = donePages + result['events'].length result = doMethod("getevents", :selecttype => "lastn", :howmany => 50, :lineendings => "unix", :beforedate => firstDate) #stop = @maxPosts > 0 and @pages.length >= @maxPosts end getMemories() @tagsToPosts.each do |tp| saveTagsPage(tp[0], tp[1]) end saveXml() saveTagsIndexPage() saveStatsPage() saveMonthPages() saveYearPages() saveRecentPostsPages() saveIndexPage() @logger.logText("Done retrieving posts! Creating zip file...", true) end def initialize(targetDir, username, password, timeZoneString, delay, attempts, publicOnly, maxPosts, logger) @logger = logger @targetDir = targetDir @maxPosts = maxPosts @userInfo = {} @username = username @password = password @timeZone = TZInfo::Timezone.get(timeZoneString.to_s) @delay = delay @attempts = attempts if (@attempts < 0) @attempts = 2 end @publicOnly = publicOnly @comments = {} @userIdToUser = {0 => "anonymous"} @pages = {} @polls = {} @pagesWithPolls = [] @tagsToPosts = Hash.new { |hash,key| hash[key] = [] } @memories = Hash.new { |hash,key| hash[key] = [] } @ljsession = nil end def saveTagsIndexPage() baseFileName = "tags.html" fileName = @targetDir + baseFileName File.open(fileName, 'w') do |aFile| aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("Tags\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("


\n") aFile.write("
\n") alphaTags = @tagsToPosts.sort {|a,b| a[0] <=> b[0]} alphaTags.each do |tagPair| aFile.write("#{ tagPair[0] } (#{ tagPair[1].length } entries)
\n") end aFile.write("
\n") aFile.write("
\n") alphaTags = @tagsToPosts.sort {|a,b| b[1].length <=> a[1].length} alphaTags.each do |tagPair| aFile.write("#{ tagPair[0] } (#{ tagPair[1].length } entries)
\n") end aFile.write("
\n") aFile.write("

This backup was done by LJBackup.

") aFile.write("") end end def saveTagsPage(tag, posts) safeTag = tag.makeFileNameSafe baseFileName = TagsDir + safeTag + ".html" fileName = @targetDir + baseFileName File.open(fileName, 'w') do |aFile| aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("Tag #{ tag } (#{ posts.length })\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("

Tag #{ tag } (#{ posts.length })

\n") # Sort the posts by date (put latest ones first) posts.sort! {|a,b| b['date'] <=> a['date']} posts.each do |postInfo| writePostMain(aFile, postInfo, '../', true) end aFile.write("

This backup was done by LJBackup.

") aFile.write("") end return baseFileName end def getRecentPostsFilename(numToSkip) if (numToSkip > 0) "indexskip" + numToSkip.to_s + ".html" else "index.html" end end def saveRecentPostsPages() # Sort the posts by date (put latest ones first) posts = @pages.sort {|a,b| b[1]['date'] <=> a[1]['date']} postsDoneTotal = 0 while posts.length > 0 postsDoneOnPage = 0 baseFileName = RecentPostsDir + getRecentPostsFilename(postsDoneTotal) fileName = @targetDir + baseFileName File.open(fileName, 'w') do |aFile| aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("#{@username}'s posts\n") aFile.write("\n") while (posts.length > 0 and postsDoneOnPage < NumRecentPerPage) curPost = posts.shift writePostMain(aFile, curPost[1], "../", true) postsDoneOnPage += 1 postsDoneTotal += 1 end # link to others if (posts.length > 0 or postsDoneTotal > NumRecentPerPage) aFile.write("

Go ") if (posts.length > 0) aFile.write("earlier") if (postsDoneTotal > NumRecentPerPage) aFile.write("/") end end if (postsDoneTotal > NumRecentPerPage) aFile.write("later") end aFile.write("

") end aFile.write("

This backup was done by LJBackup.

") aFile.write("") end end end # Returns [monthName, day, year, month] def dateToFriendlyDate(date) return [Date::MONTHNAMES[date.slice(5, 2).to_i], date.slice(8, 2).to_i.to_s, date.slice(0, 4).to_i.to_s, date.slice(5, 2).to_i] end def saveDayPage(year, month, day, posts) if (posts.length == 0) return end baseFileName = CalendarDir + year + "-" + month + "-" + day + ".html" fileName = @targetDir + baseFileName friendlyMonth = Date::MONTHNAMES[month.to_i] File.open(fileName, 'w') do |aFile| aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("Posts on #{ friendlyMonth } #{ day }, #{ year}\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("

Posts on #{ friendlyMonth } #{ day }, #{ year }

\n") posts = posts.sort {|a,b| a['date'] <=> b['date']} posts.each do |postInfo| writePostMain(aFile, postInfo, '../', true) end aFile.write("

This backup was done by LJBackup.

") aFile.write("") end return baseFileName end # Returns [date saved, URL, number of pages] def saveNextDayPage(daySortedPosts) monthDay = dateToFriendlyDate(daySortedPosts[0][0]) postsToUse = daySortedPosts.shift()[1] dayUsed = Date.new(monthDay[2].to_i, monthDay[3].to_i, monthDay[1].to_i) if (postsToUse.length == 1) # Only one post, so don't make a new page for it. return [dayUsed, "../" + PostsDir + postsToUse[0]['linkId'].to_s + '.html', postsToUse.length] else baseFileName = CalendarDir + monthDay[2].to_s + "-" + monthDay[3].to_s + "-" + monthDay[1].to_s + ".html" fileName = @targetDir + baseFileName File.open(fileName, 'w') do |aFile| aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("Posts on #{ monthDay[0] } #{ monthDay[1] }, #{ monthDay[2] }") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("

Posts on #{ monthDay[0] } #{ monthDay[1] }, #{ monthDay[2] }

\n") postsToUse.each do |postInfo| writePostMain(aFile, postInfo, '../', true) end aFile.write("

This backup was done by LJBackup.

") aFile.write("") end return [dayUsed, "../" + baseFileName, postsToUse.length] end end def saveYearPages() # Sort the posts by date (earliest first) dayPosts = Hash.new { |hash,key| hash[key] = [] } @pages.each {|p| dayPosts[p[1]['date'].slice(0,10)].push(p[1]) } daySortedPosts = dayPosts.sort{ |a,b| a[0] <=> b[0] } firstYear = daySortedPosts[0][0].slice(0, 4).to_i lastYear = daySortedPosts[-1][0].slice(0, 4).to_i if (daySortedPosts.length == 0) return end nextDayInfo = saveNextDayPage(daySortedPosts) (firstYear .. lastYear).each do |curYear| baseFileName = CalendarDir + curYear.to_s + ".html" fileName = @targetDir + baseFileName File.open(fileName, 'w') do |aFile| aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("Posts in #{ curYear }\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("

Posts in #{ curYear }

\n") aFile.write("

") (firstYear .. lastYear).each do |linkYear| if (linkYear == curYear) aFile.write(" #{ linkYear } ") else aFile.write(" #{ linkYear } ") end end aFile.write("

\n") (1 .. 12).each do |monthNum| friendlyMonth = Date::MONTHNAMES[monthNum] aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("
\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("
#{ friendlyMonth } #{ curYear }[subjects]
\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") # OK, how many blank spaces before the first? curDay = Date.new(curYear, monthNum, 1) numBlankSpaces = curDay.wday() aFile.write("") if (numBlankSpaces > 0) aFile.write("") end (1 .. 7 - numBlankSpaces).each do |dayNum| aFile.write("") curDay = curDay.next() end aFile.write("\n") startOfWeek = 7 - numBlankSpaces + 1 while (curDay.month() == monthNum) do overflow = 0 aFile.write("") (startOfWeek .. startOfWeek + 6).each do |dayNum| if (curDay.month() == monthNum) aFile.write("") else overflow = overflow + 1 end curDay = curDay.next() end if (overflow > 0) aFile.write("") end aFile.write("\n") startOfWeek = startOfWeek + 7 end aFile.write("
#{ dayNum }") if (curDay == nextDayInfo[0]) aFile.write("") if (daySortedPosts.length > 0) nextDayInfo = saveNextDayPage(daySortedPosts) end else aFile.write(" ") end aFile.write("
#{ dayNum }") if (curDay == nextDayInfo[0]) aFile.write("") if (daySortedPosts.length > 0) nextDayInfo = saveNextDayPage(daySortedPosts) end else aFile.write(" ") end aFile.write("

") end aFile.write("

This backup was done by LJBackup.

") aFile.write("") end end end def saveMonthPages() # Sort the posts by date (earliest first) sortedPosts = @pages.sort { |a,b| a[1]['date'] <=> b[1]['date'] } while sortedPosts.length > 0 curMonth = sortedPosts[0][1]['date'].slice(0, 7) baseFileName = CalendarDir + curMonth + ".html" fileName = @targetDir + baseFileName #puts "curMonth is #{ curMonth }" File.open(fileName, 'w') do |aFile| aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") monthDay = dateToFriendlyDate(sortedPosts[0][1]['date']) month = monthDay[0] year = monthDay[2] aFile.write("Posts in #{ month } #{ year }\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("

Posts in #{ month } #{ year }

\n") while (sortedPosts.length > 0 and sortedPosts[0][1]['date'].slice(0,7) == curMonth) curPost = sortedPosts[0][1] monthDay = dateToFriendlyDate(curPost['date']) month = monthDay[0] day = monthDay[1] aFile.write("

#{ month } #{ day } #{ curPost['date'].slice(11, curPost['date'].length) } - #{ getPostSummary(curPost, '../') }") if (curPost['numComments'] > 0) aFile.write(" (#{ curPost['numComments'] } comments)") end aFile.write("

") sortedPosts.delete_at(0) end aFile.write("

This backup was done by LJBackup.

") aFile.write("") end end end def saveMoodsPage(mood, posts) safeMood = mood.makeFileNameSafe baseFileName = MoodsDir + safeMood + ".html" fileName = @targetDir + baseFileName File.open(fileName, 'w') do |aFile| aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("Posts with mood #{ mood } (#{ posts.length })\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("

Posts with mood #{ mood } (#{ posts.length })

\n") # Sort the comments by date (put latest ones first) posts.sort! {|a,b| b['date'] <=> a['date']} posts.each do |postInfo| writePostMain(aFile, postInfo, '../', true) end aFile.write("

This backup was done by LJBackup.

") aFile.write("") end cgiMood = (safeMood.split(' ').collect {|x| CGI::escape(x) }).join("%20") return MoodsDir + cgiMood + ".html" end def saveCommentsPage(id, comments) username = @userIdToUser[id] if username == nil return end baseFileName = CommentsDir + username + ".html" fileName = @targetDir + baseFileName File.open(fileName, 'w') do |aFile| aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") user = @userIdToUser[id] aFile.write("Comments of #{ @userIdToUser[id] } (#{ comments.length })\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("

Comments of #{ getLJUserString(user) } (#{ comments.length })

\n") # Sort the comments by date (put latest ones first) comments.sort! {|a,b| b['date'] <=> a['date']} comments.each do |comment| aFile.write("

Comment on post #{ getPostSummary(@pages[comment['jitemid']], '../') }:
#{ @timeZone.utc_to_local(comment['date']) }

#{ tidyUpPost(comment['body'], '../', -1) }

\n") end aFile.write("

This backup was done by LJBackup.

") aFile.write("") end return baseFileName end def saveIndexPage() File.open(@targetDir + 'index.html', 'w') do |aFile| aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("LiveJournal backup for #{ @username }\n") aFile.write("

LJ backup for #{ getLJUserString(@username) }

\n") aFile.write("

This backup was done on #{ Date.today() } ") if (@publicOnly) aFile.write("and includes only public posts. This is not a full backup!

\n") else aFile.write("and includes all posts, public and private. Do not publish this unless you're comfortable with people reading all your posts!

\n") end aFile.write("

Recent posts

") aFile.write("


\n") if (@pages.length > 0) sortedPosts = @pages.sort { |a,b| a[1]['date'] <=> b[1]['date'] } firstYear = sortedPosts[0][1]['date'].slice(0, 4).to_i lastYear = sortedPosts[-1][1]['date'].slice(0, 4).to_i aFile.write("

Entries in ") (firstYear .. lastYear).each do |curYear| aFile.write(" #{ curYear } ") end aFile.write("

\n") end aFile.write("


\n") sortedMemories = @memories.sort {|a,b| a[0] <=> b[0]} if (sortedMemories.length > 0) aFile.write("


\n\n") end aFile.write("

This backup was done by LJBackup.

") aFile.write("") end end def saveStatsPage() commentCounter = Hash.new { |hash,key| hash[key] = [] } # Remove comments that are on locked posts, if we're public only # Also remove any that are unattached to any posts. @comments = @comments.reject {|k,v| not @pages.include?(v['jitemid']) } @comments.each {|c| commentCounter[c[1]['posterid']].push(c[1]) } sortedComments = commentCounter.sort {|a,b| b[1].length <=> a[1].length } moods = @pages.find_all {|a| a[1]['moodtext'] != nil } moodCounter = Hash.new { |hash,key| hash[key] = [] } moods.each {|a| moodCounter[a[1]['moodtext']].push(a[1]) } sortedMoods = moodCounter.sort {|a,b| b[1].length <=> a[1].length } File.open(@targetDir + 'stats.html', 'w') do |aFile| aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("Statistics\n") aFile.write("


\n") pagesDateSorted = @pages.sort{|a,b| a[1]['date'] <=> b[1]['date'] } commentsPerPost = "0" wordsPerPost = "0" totalWords = (@pages.collect {|a| a[1]['numWords']}).inject(0) {|sum,item| sum + item} stdDevWords = std_dev(@pages.collect {|a| a[1]['numWords']}) stdDevComments = std_dev(@pages.collect {|a| a[1]['numComments']}) if pagesDateSorted.length > 0 commentsPerPost = format("%.2f", @comments.length.to_f / pagesDateSorted.length) wordsPerPost = format("%.2f", totalWords.to_f / pagesDateSorted.length) end aFile.write("

#{ pagesDateSorted.length } post#{ if (pagesDateSorted.length != 1) then 's' end} total, #{ @comments.length } comment#{ if (@comments.length != 1) then 's' end} total (#{ commentsPerPost } per post, standard deviation #{ format("%.2f", stdDevComments) })

\n") aFile.write("

#{ totalWords } word#{ if (totalWords != 1) then 's' end} total (#{ wordsPerPost } per post, standard deviation #{ format("%.2f", stdDevWords) })

\n") if (pagesDateSorted.length > 0) aFile.write("

First post: #{ pagesDateSorted[0][1]['date'] } - #{ getPostSummary(pagesDateSorted[0][1], '') }

\n") end if (pagesDateSorted.length > 1) aFile.write("

Last post: #{ pagesDateSorted[pagesDateSorted.length - 1][1]['date'] } - #{ getPostSummary(pagesDateSorted[pagesDateSorted.length - 1][1], '') }

\n") end #maxNumComments = -1 sortedPages = @pages.sort {|a,b| b[1]['numComments'] <=> a[1]['numComments']} aFile.write("

Most commented posts:

\n") aFile.write("\n") i = 0 # Allow for the fact that, when the journal gets quite large, # we may want more top comments/words/etc. numTop = Math.sqrt(sortedPages.length).to_i while (i < [numTop,NumTopComments].max and sortedPages.length > i) aFile.write("\n") i += 1 end aFile.write("
") aFile.write(getPostSummary(sortedPages[i][1], '')) aFile.write("") aFile.write(sortedPages[i][1]['numComments']) aFile.write("
\n") longPages = @pages.sort {|a,b| b[1]['numWords'] <=> a[1]['numWords']} aFile.write("

Longest posts:

\n") aFile.write("\n") i = 0 while (i < [numTop,NumTopWords].max and longPages.length > i) aFile.write("\n") i += 1 end aFile.write("
") aFile.write(getPostSummary(longPages[i][1], '')) aFile.write("") aFile.write(longPages[i][1]['numWords']) aFile.write("
\n") aFile.write("\n") sortedComments.each do |cc| aFile.write("\n") end aFile.write("
") user = @userIdToUser[cc[1][0]['posterid']] aFile.write(getLJUserString(user)) aFile.write("#{ cc[1].length }
\n") aFile.write("\n") sortedMoods.each do |cc| aFile.write("") aFile.write("\n") end aFile.write("
#{ cc[0] }#{ cc[1].length }
\n") if (@pagesWithPolls.length > 0) aFile.write("

Pages with polls:

\n") @pagesWithPolls = @pagesWithPolls.sort {|a,b| b <=> a} aFile.write("\n") end aFile.write("

This backup was done by LJBackup.

") aFile.write("") end end def getPollText(pollid) #puts "Got poll with id #{ pollid }" resp = getPageWithRetry(APIPollPath + pollid.to_s + "&mode=results", {}) pageText = resp.body #File.open('/tmp/ljpoll-' + pollid.to_str, 'w') { |file| file.write(pageText) } # Starts with , ends with
# FFV - this is obviously not very robust! pollStartRE = Regexp.new('') #pollEndRE = Regexp.new("
") hrMatch = hrRE.match(pollText) while (hrMatch != nil) pollText = hrMatch.pre_match + hrMatch.post_match hrMatch = hrRE.match(pollText) end #@logger.logText('TODO: getPollText: ' + pollText, false) return pollText end def tidyUpPost(event, pathToRoot, id) event = event.split("\n").join("
\n") ljUserRE = Regexp.new('\') ljUserMatch = ljUserRE.match(event) while (ljUserMatch != nil) user = ljUserMatch[1] event = ljUserMatch.pre_match + getLJUserString(user) + ljUserMatch.post_match ljUserMatch = ljUserRE.match(event) end ljTagRE = Regexp.new("\') ljPollMatch = ljPollRE.match(event) while (ljPollMatch != nil) if (not @pagesWithPolls.include?(id)) @pagesWithPolls.push(id) end pollid = ljPollMatch[1] if (not @polls.include?(pollid)) @polls[pollid] = getPollText(pollid) end event = ljPollMatch.pre_match + @polls[pollid] + ljPollMatch.post_match ljPollMatch = ljPollRE.match(event) #@logger.logText('TODO: event iteration: ' + event, false) end return event end def tidyUpSubject(subject) if (subject == nil or subject == '') return "(no subject)" else return subject end end def appendCommentElems(container, parentMap, parentId) if (parentMap[parentId] != nil) parentMap[parentId].each do |comment| commentElem = container.add_element 'comment' posterid = comment[1]['posterid'] commentElem.attributes['posterid'] = posterid username = @userIdToUser[posterid] if username != nil commentElem.attributes['username'] = username.encode("UTF-8") end commentElem.attributes['date'] = comment[1]['date'] bodyElem = commentElem.add_element 'body' bodyElem.add_text(comment[1]['body'].encode("UTF-8")) if (parentMap.include?(comment[0])) repliesElem = commentElem.add_element 'replies' appendCommentElems(repliesElem, parentMap, comment[0]) end end end end def saveXml() doc = REXML::Document.new doc << REXML::XMLDecl.new journalElem = REXML::Element.new "journal" journalElem.attributes['username'] = @username journalElem.attributes['publicOnly'] = @publicOnly #TODO - overall props @pages.each do |postId, post| postElem = journalElem.add_element "post" postElem.attributes["id"] = postId titleElem = postElem.add_element "title" titleElem.add_text post['subject'] if post['locked'] postElem.attributes['locked'] = post['locked'] end ['moodtext', 'music', 'location'].each do |attrName| if post.include?(attrName) #pp post[attrName] #pp post[attrName].encoding postElem.attributes[attrName] = post[attrName].encode("UTF-8") end end postElem.attributes['linkId'] = post['linkId'] postElem.attributes['date'] = post['date'] memoryInfos = @memories.find_all {|m| m[1].include?(post['linkId']) } if memoryInfos.length > 0 memoryTags = memoryInfos.map {|m| m[0]} memoriesElem = postElem.add_element "memories" memoryTags.each do |tagName| memoryElem = memoriesElem.add_element "memory" memoryElem.add_text tagName end end if (post['tags'] != nil) tagsElem = postElem.add_element 'tags' post['tags'].each do |tag| tagElem = tagsElem.add_element 'tag' tagElem.add_text tag end end postElem.attributes['numWords'] = post['numWords'] bodyElem = postElem.add_element 'body' bodyElem.add_text(post['event'].split("\n").join("
\n")) postElem.attributes['numComments'] = post['numComments'] if (post['numComments'] > 0) commentsElem = postElem.add_element 'comments' appendCommentElems(commentsElem, post['commentParentMap'], 0) end end doc << journalElem File.open(@targetDir + 'allPosts.xml', 'w') do |aFile| doc.write(aFile, 2) end end def savePageWithComments(post) # First, find the corresponding comments. # FFV - hash this up if performance is a problem #pp post commentList = @comments.find_all {|c| c[1]['jitemid'] == post['itemid'].to_i} parentMap = {} commentList.each do |comment| parent = comment[1]['parentid'] if (parentMap.include?(parent)) parentMap[parent].push(comment) else parentMap[parent] = [] parentMap[parent].push(comment) end if (comment[1]['date'] == nil) @logger.logError("---NIL DATE ON COMMENT--- (#{ comment[0] })", false) #pp comment[1] end end parentMap.each do |parent| parent[1].sort {|a,b| a[1]['date'] <=> b[1]['date']} end postInfo = {} # Don't save the page if we're public only and locked. postInfo['locked'] = (post.include?('security') and post['security'] != "public") if (postInfo['locked'] and @publicOnly) return end postInfo['id'] = post['itemid'].to_i postInfo['linkId'] = post['itemid'].to_i * 256 + post['anum'].to_i postInfo['date'] = post['eventtime'] postInfo['numComments'] = commentList.length postInfo['commentParentMap'] = parentMap wordRE = Regexp.new('\w') tempPost = post['event'].to_s.dup # For word counting, collapse lj user= to one word... ljUserRE = Regexp.new('', Regexp::IGNORECASE) tempPost.gsub!(ljUserRE, '\1') # and remove tags. tagRE = Regexp.new('<.*?>') tempPost.gsub!(tagRE, ' ') postInfo['numWords'] = tempPost.split(/\s+/).select {|x| wordRE.match(x) != nil }.length postInfo['subject'] = tidyUpSubject(post['subject'].to_s.force_encoding("UTF-8")) postInfo['tags'] = nil postInfo['event'] = post['event'].to_s if (post.include?('props')) if (post['props'].include?('current_moodid')) postInfo['moodid'] = post['props']['current_moodid'] end if (post['props'].include?('current_mood')) postInfo['moodtext'] = post['props']['current_mood'].to_s.force_encoding("UTF-8") elsif postInfo.include?('moodid') postInfo['moodtext'] = MoodMap[postInfo['moodid'].to_i].to_s end if (post['props'].include?('current_music')) postInfo['music'] = post['props']['current_music'].to_s.force_encoding("UTF-8") end if (post['props'].include?('current_location')) postInfo['location'] = post['props']['current_location'].to_s.force_encoding("UTF-8") end if (post['props'].include?('taglist')) postInfo['tags'] = post['props']['taglist'].to_s.force_encoding("UTF-8").split(',') postInfo['tags'] = postInfo['tags'].collect {|x| x.strip()} postInfo['tags'].each { |tag| @tagsToPosts[tag].push(postInfo) } end end @pages[postInfo['id']] = postInfo File.open(@targetDir + PostsDir + postInfo['linkId'].to_s + '.html', 'w') do |aFile| aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("\n") aFile.write("#{ postInfo['subject'] }\n") aFile.write("") writePostMain(aFile, postInfo, '../') aFile.write("
\n") if (commentList.length > 0) aFile.write("

#{ commentList.length } comment#{ if commentList.length != 1 then 's' end}

\n") printComments(parentMap, 0, 0, aFile, '../') end aFile.write("

This backup was done by LJBackup.

") aFile.write("") end return end def printComments(parentMap, parentId, indent, aFile, pathToRoot) if (parentMap[parentId] != nil) parentMap[parentId].each do |comment| username = @userIdToUser[comment[1]['posterid']] aFile.write("

Comment from #{ getLJUserString(username) }:
#{ @timeZone.utc_to_local(comment[1]['date']) }

#{ tidyUpPost(comment[1]['body'], pathToRoot, -1) }

\n") if (parentMap.include?(comment[0])) printComments(parentMap, comment[0], indent + 1, aFile, pathToRoot) end end end end def LJRetriever.doLJBackup(targetDir, params, logger) ljr = LJRetriever.new(targetDir, params['username'], params['password'], params['TimeZoneString'], params['Delay'].to_f, params['Attempts'].to_i, (params.include?('PublicOnly')), -1, logger) ljr.main() end end # class LJRetriever if __FILE__ == $0 then require './parseconfigfile' params = ParseConfigFile::parseConfigFile('.logininfo') ljr = LJRetriever.new(OutputDir, params['Username'], params['Password'], params['TimeZoneString'], params['Delay'].to_f, params['Attempts'].to_i, (params['PublicOnly'].to_i == 1), params['MaxPosts'].to_i, TextLogger.new) ljr.main() end end