Our pi soap! We took a picture to remember it, since it de-soapifies quickly.
Date: 08/12/2013
Views: 7827
I bought myself a Lumia 1020 - it takes amazing pictures! Here's a good one in the NI parking lot. (in the full-res picture, which I didn't upload, you can read the license plate on that truck!)
Date: 08/12/2013
Views: 9878
More outdoors at NI.
Date: 08/12/2013
Views: 8083
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Playing with manual focus here, so the cactus is in focus but the background isn't. Photography is fun!
Taken with my Lumia 1020, unprocessed. The clouds look OK but the moon is kind of washed out and the whole image is noisy. I'm guessing the right answer would be to use a tripod, take a longer exposure and lower the ISO. Oh, photography!
Date: 08/20/2013
Views: 7420
A coworker celebrated his NI anniversary by bringing cookie Scrabble tiles!
Date: 08/20/2013
Views: 7342
Heading up in an elevator on my way to the Capital Factory, looking down on the Omni Hotel lobby.
Date: 08/21/2013
Views: 8940
I took this picture of David on one of the nature trails at NI we commonly take. The light was tricky, but I think it turned out well!
Date: 08/28/2013
Views: 7473
George Takei was going to be signing autographs at Dragon's Lair, so we got there early to get in line. But not early enough!
Date: 09/02/2013
Views: 7531
After a while (and one guy collapsing from heat exhaustion...but EMS came and he was OK) they let us all inside. Luckily the new Dragon's Lair location is big, so I think everyone fit inside.
Date: 09/02/2013
Views: 7757
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Someone made this balloon model of the Enterprise! Very cool.
Date: 09/02/2013
Views: 8125
David and I with George Takei! We waited a long time in line, but agreed that it was worth it. We chatted briefly - he was a nice guy even after signing autographs for hours!
The inscription he wrote in our book. We were told he was just going to sign his name (which was fine - there were still a lot of people in line!), but he took the time to ask our names and address it to us.