The foundation for the house we're going to build over the next few months. The foundation was poured before we got here.
Date: 02/03/2008
Views: 5409
We laid the first bricks in age order (by seniority). My brick was sixth.
Date: 02/07/2008
Views: 3001
Our house after one afternoon work session (~2 hours). Once the bricks are made, putting them all together takes little time.
Date: 02/07/2008
Views: 3148
Adobe bricks, out to dry.
Date: 02/01/2008
Views: 3204
Our house, after one session with enthusiastic high school students.
Date: 02/10/2008
Views: 3438
Our house, after two sessions with enthusiastic high school students.
Date: 02/11/2008
Views: 3528
Our guest house after the kids left.
Date: 02/13/2008
Views: 3485
Our guest house after the kids left.
Date: 02/12/2008
Views: 3694
An adobe wall, left too long in the weather. One of our projects will be to finish this building (a garage).
Date: 02/10/2008
Views: 3071
We built an arch over an interior doorway. When the mortar
dries we'll cross our fingers and remove the supports. I give it an 80% chance of staying up.
Date: 02/25/2008
Views: 3433
And me, working on the arch with my little dog ears under my authentic New Zealand hat.
Date: 02/25/2008
Views: 2905
We have begun laying the woodwork for the second floor. Here,
the girders are in place, right on top of the lintels.
Date: 02/25/2008
Views: 3329
Some joists on top of the girders.
Date: 02/26/2008
Views: 3292
Traditional Thai houses are built from local hardwoods. Now that the fashion is concrete, their old houses are recycled. We spend a good amount time removing soft nails from hard wood and then putting them back in again in different configurations.
Date: 02/26/2008
Views: 3536
The arch stayed up! From the outside.
Date: 03/02/2008
Views: 3132
Looking at the arch from the inside. We will even out the bottom before the plastering.
Date: 03/02/2008
Views: 3415