We stayed at the Windsor Court Hotel, which was extremely nice. Here's a view of (one of) their restaurants, which is where we ate breakfast every morning.
Date: 07/25/2014
Views: 15166
Penguins at the aquarium! (sorry for the low-quality picture...)
A seahorse! We learned that seahorses have a prehensile tail, which this one is using to grab on to the grass. (seagrass?)
Date: 07/25/2014
Views: 8774
Next we took a trip on the Steamboat Natchez going up and down the Mississippi. Here I am in the engine room! The pump behind me is driving the paddlewheel. (and I did, in fact, keep my...
We passed the Creole Queen, another boat we could have cruised on. The captain pointed out that, while she looked like a nice ship, she is not a real steamboat like the Steamboat Natchez, so we had in fact made the right choice. Burn on Creole Queen!
Date: 07/25/2014
Views: 7816
The paddlewheel from the top. It's the paddlewheeliest!