September 2007 Pictures
Date: 10/11/2007
Owner: Christi Calkins
Size: 15 items
All 4 of my kids.
Date: 09/17/2007
Views: 6387
Hmm... what movie should we watch tonight?
Alex is crawling all over the place and pulling up on everything. Someday, he'll just up and walk.
Date: 08/29/2007
Views: 5158
On the go
Date: 08/29/2007
Views: 5087
Matthew's "snowman"
Date: 09/02/2007
Views: 5346
Alex is drinking solely from sippy cups now and can even hold it himself! My baby is growing up.
Date: 09/16/2007
Views: 6082
Alex hasn't fully figured out that not all activities include eating.
Date: 09/16/2007
Views: 5559
The boys finger painted and played with play dough with the paints. Good messy outdoor fun.
Date: 09/16/2007
Views: 5440
Matthew tries to feed us his playdough creations.
Date: 09/16/2007
Views: 5343
Matthew figured out that you can make patterns by using the playdough like a stamp.
Date: 09/16/2007
Views: 6261
Hard at work
Date: 09/16/2007
Views: 5512
Where does he come up with these things? He painted his toenails red with the finger paints. I swear that I've never painted my toes in front of him and have rarely even had them painted since he's been around. Wow.
Date: 09/23/2007
Views: 5686
Ahh! The papperatzi are after me again. (I really don't always make the kids play in the backyard in their underwear. I just strip them down when we are painting, which also happens to be the times I tend to pull out the camera.)
Date: 09/23/2007
Views: 5807
Matthew and his mother. (The thing in his left hand is a glow bracelet from Bill. The thing in his right is a stuffed horse of Alex's, also from Bill.)
Date: 09/22/2007
Views: 5691
Matthew had a blast at Bill's 5th birthday party. He got a balloon sword and scabbard, a yummy hotdog, and pigged out on cake.
Date: 09/22/2007
Views: 5049
Unfortunately, Alex had a bad reaction to his breakfast and spent the entire party feeling rather poorly. We hung out on the blanket and he slept at least some of the time. Poor baby.
Date: 09/22/2007
Views: 6365
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