Copy of Driveway Crit
David racing at the Thursday night races that he's been doing this spring. This was actually taken by a professional, and it was so good, we bought it. He ended up finishing 2nd in his category in this race.
Date: 05/14/2007
Views: 4627
Alex is starting to ride in the Ergo on my back now. He thinks it's pretty cool. He fell asleep on this walk, but woke up before we could get a picture of it.
Date: 05/12/2007
Views: 5743
Mama with her boys after our Saturday evening walk. Notice the huge drool mark on the carrier - Alex woke up about 30 seconds before this picture was taken.
Date: 05/12/2007
Views: 5818
This was such a great picture of Matthew's smile that I had to crop it and put it up for your viewing pleasure. He's finally learned how to smile for the camera, as he so proudly announced after this shot "Matthew grinned!"
Date: 05/12/2007
Views: 5769
Matthew with toes small
My Mother's Day gift was a trip to the photo studio. We got good pictures of both of the boys. And their toes.
Date: 05/13/2007
Views: 4454
Alex Grinning small
The last pictures we got of Alex, he wasn't smiling a whole lot. He's a very wiggly smiley baby now. Sometimes, at least!
Date: 05/14/2007
Views: 5112
Alex has been teething a lot and so David actually rocked him to sleep last night. We so rarely are holding him while he's sleeping, that I had to get a picture.
Date: 05/14/2007
Views: 6103
My GQ man
Date: 05/14/2007
Views: 5947
Matthew's Grin very small-1
My other GQ man
Date: 05/14/2007
Views: 4424
Alex Mamas Day small
School made Mother's Day gifts for all of the mamas. Note the angel wings... and the drool :)
Date: 05/14/2007
Views: 4118
I've been playing with cropping and light effects, so I'm putting some redone pictures up here. Yes, I know they are old. Just think about this as Alex's 6 month retrospective.
Date: 05/14/2007
Views: 6194
Adoration 2-1
Alex in the hospital, zoomed in so you can see him instead of the hospital bed.
Date: 05/14/2007
Views: 9104