Last updated: Tue Nov 4 08:16:34 2003


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Updated: 09:08 a.m. EST (1408 GMT) November 4, 2003
Blast kills U.S. soldier

Blast kills U.S. soldier

A U.S. soldier was killed today and another was wounded after an improvised explosive device exploded in the Baghdad area, a coalition official said. In an earlier incident, three rockets or mortar rounds exploded in the highly secure "Green Zone" of the Iraqi capital. No injuries were reported.


Senate approves $87 billion Iraq aid package
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Video: premium content Increasing anger toward troops
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  Tuesday, November 4, 2003 Updated 7:32 a.m. CST

Houston voters head to polls
Voters today complete what likely will be just the first step in choosing a successor to term-limited Houston Mayor Lee Brown, will fill 13 of 14 seats on City Council, and decide whether to expand a light rail system that may be Brown's biggest legacy.

Polling placesAll about eSlateSample ballots
The candidatesThe rail proposalEndorsements
Election Central: Full Chronicle coverage of today's vote

Special to the Chronicle
Holly Pryor, left, her mother, Joyce Yoder, and her brother Jon Yoder throw a miniature of the reef ball that contains the ashes of their father, William Yoder, into the Gulf of Mexico off of South Padre Island. The reef balls are part of a living memorial being added to an existing artificial reef in the Gulf of Mexico. Full story.

Houston epicenter of flu virus this year
Man convicted of killing East End waitresses
Fatigue can signal heart attack for women
Houston soldier dies in downed helicopter in Iraq
Murder only charge for millionaire's jury
Single college grads heading south, west
Astros send Wagner to Phillies


Crime lab evidence missing in 21 cases
Jury's indecision gets Conroe killer life in prison
Mayor's proposed cutbacks protested
Witnesses queried in death of teen shot by officer

Foreign students in Texas rise again, but more slowly
December trial date set for state redistrict plan
Attorneys for slain Baylor player's dad allege plot
Prof accused of lying about plague faced audit

Massive blackout not caused by single event
High court refuses to hear Commandments case
Graham says he won't seek 4th Senate term
Man who found sniper suspects testifies

Turmoil engulfs Sri Lanka as troops deployed
Explosion rocks Turkish embassy in The Hague
Fallujah a hotbed of hatred toward U.S.
Anglicans in Africa decry gay bishop's ordination
Fox: U.S. visit about talking, not making demands
$87.5 billion OK'd to aid Iraq, Afghanistan

Rockets take Bulls by horns in romp
Texans showing improvement in takeaways
McIngvales on edge as Tennis Masters Cup nears
Aeros' Cavanaugh settling in to captain's chair
Davis star Smith has gained 2,117 yards in 9 games

Fastow says poll shows jury pool's taint
SEC apathy blamed for mutual fund debacle
Trial opens in Dynegy's Alpha deal

IBM scores big for new Xbox chip
Entertainment industry using piracy as tool
Microsoft adding more voice control
EBay doubts Google ready to be its rival

Arts and Entertainment
Hollywood's recent cliffhanger fad to be continued
Moore makes amends for being part of teen pop
CNN's Cooper pulls in young voters with forum
Garner steps in for Ritter on ` 8 Simple Rules'

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Road closings:Westheimer, westbound at Fondren, one outside lane closed 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
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The Full Monty: Houston premiere of musical comedy about six unemployed steelworkers who decide to boost their fortunes and morale by forming their own male strip act. At 8 p.m. in Hobby Center's Sarofim Hall. Call 713-629-3700.
8 Simple Rules: In an hourlong episode, James Garner and Suzanne Pleshette play Cate's parents, who arrive to help the bereaved family. At 7 p.m. on ABC. 
TV listings

The Houston Chronicle Editorial Board's meetings with election candidates are being aired on the Municipal Channel.
So who are the people behind the mascots -- Bellaire High's big red cardinal, Scarborough's Sammy Spartan, Stratford's Spartacus, Alief Taylor's Leo the lion, Westside's Wesley the wolf -- and why do they do it? For one thing, it's lots of fun. Thursday in Yo!.
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DON'T FOGET TO VOTE! Polling places for today's election



Pickin' pecansChildren picking pecans


6-year-olds Jermila Tigner, left, and Lacoya Williams Johnson, right, crack pecans while Jermont Tigner, 4, munches on the meat Monday in Austin.



David Letterman

David Letterman


Congress approves
$87.5 billion for Iraq

Bush is set to sign the bill, which is one of the largest military, foreign aid spending measures in history.


Mysterious explosion injures four

Officials unsure what caused blast at construction site.


Austin preparing for presidential visit

Experts: Fox trip illustrates shift in strategy on visas.


Mutual funds are assailed in inquiry

Industry overcharges on fees, gives breaks to wealthy, senators are told.

  » Inquiry raises questions about practices


It's decision time for city in Lowe's dispute

Council to consider settlement for store on contested tract over aquifer.


A 5-alarm scandal at chili contest

Terlingua dishes up chili con carnival as Yankee nearly pilfers prize.

  » Bush: 'America will never run' in Iraq




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Front Page The best stories of the day, chosen by you.

What Would Jesus REALLY Do? (Politics)

By kamera
Mon Nov 3rd, 2003 at 06:01:51 PM EST


Remember back during the Republican primary debate in Iowa when the then-candidates were asked, "What political philosopher or thinker do you identify with and why?" Well, our now-president was quick to flaunt his religiosity. He responded, "Christ, because he changed my heart." Now I know this is old news, and it has already been established that Christ wasn't actually a political philosopher, but I think it's still an important issue that needs to be addressed. Although Christ was not a political philosopher, he had a lot to say about morality, and morality is almost inseparable from politics. Throughout his presidency, Bush has left no question that his somewhat peculiar morality has played an immense role in his policy and decision making.

Full Story (239 comments, 1836 words in story)

Clinton's Role In The War Against Terrorism (Politics)

By theboz
Sat Nov 1st, 2003 at 12:27:53 PM EST


Many people today are critical of how the Bush administration is handling the war against terrorism. Very few, however, are offering alternatives for how it could be handled. Amidst complaints of civil and human rights violations, government propaganda, and shady politics, there appear to be very few alternatives to what we can do to preserve our safety. We trust the President of the U.S. to be in charge and take care of our nation. There is one president in recent history that we can look to for an example of how to fight against terrorists, Bill Clinton. Although many have blamed the former president for not taking a hard stance against terrorism, Clinton did quite a bit against terrorism. This article will discuss the efforts taken to fight terror under the Clinton administration, as well as discussing the supporters and detractors of these efforts.

Full Story (272 comments, 1390 words in story)

What's really wrong with the United States medical system? (Politics)

By Blarney
Thu Oct 30th, 2003 at 08:05:44 PM EST


The United States health care system is sick. The prices of health insurance are skyrocketing, 40 million Americans are uninsured, and more join them every day. The uninsured are often charged extortionate amounts of money for emergency care and forced to do without any other kind, doctors are often squeezed to the point of barely making a living, and the result is unnecessary deaths and bankruptcy for many. What can be done about this? Some suggest that the government completely socialize health care, becoming the only payer for medical goods and services in the United States. Others suggest "market-based" solutions incorporating tax credits for health insurance, tort reform, medical savings accounts, and other "conservative" ideas. However, neither of these solutions address the real problem. Health care is already a market in the United States, and a reasonably free market as well! However, it's the wrong type of market. In this article, I discuss the situation as well as I can understand and suggest some possible solutions.

Full Story (461 comments, 3839 words in story)

To Straighten Him Out (Fiction)

By transient0
Thu Oct 30th, 2003 at 06:15:37 PM EST


"Russia? Are you out of your minds? Russia's full of god-damned Communists!"

"Ivan, you had best be watching that mouth of yours around your matryona," his father warned in his languid farmer's way.

"Communist isn't a dirty word, dad."

Full Story (95 comments, 4110 words in story)

So You Want to be a Roadie (Culture)

By BadDoggie
Wed Oct 29th, 2003 at 09:21:47 PM EST


There are worse things than getting paid to travel around the world listening to music and getting laid every night. As it turns out, not only is being a musician unlikely to get you this, being a roadie ain't gonna do it either, no matter who you're out on tour with.

That's not to say that the work's not interesting: it certainly can be. There can be easy sex, but there's rarely time for it. And there's certainly travel. Lots of travel. In buses. And no Frequent Bus miles.

So if sex, drugs, music, partying and hanging out with famous bands is why you want to be a roadie, your career has the life expectancy of a blind frog with two broken legs crawling across the LA Freeway during rush hour. If you don't mind travel and a lot of hard work that everyone loves to hear you talk about, read on.

Full Story (80 comments, 3609 words in story)

No-Shopping Christmas (Op-Ed)

By Agent000
Tue Oct 28th, 2003 at 11:29:57 PM EST


I would like to propose a change. This change would be very large, yet not difficult. It would dramatically reduce the stress in our lives during the most stressful months of the year. It would save us money where money would normally be thrown away to debatable purposes. It would save gas, electricity, paper, plastic and, on some level, your soul.

I propose a No-Shopping Christmas.

Full Story (230 comments, 528 words in story)

Notes Toward a Moderation Economy (Meta)

By localroger
Tue Oct 28th, 2003 at 10:42:43 PM EST


Although I'm filing this under Meta it is not a specific suggestion for immediate changes to Scoop. Rather, it is a set of ideas I've been mulling over based on what e-community engines like Scoop, Slashcode, and various web BBS packages are all trying to become, and how the next generation might do it even more effectively.

Full Story (148 comments, 2012 words in story)

What are these Pixel Shaders of which you speak? (Technology)

By polyglot
Tue Oct 28th, 2003 at 08:12:38 PM EST


If you program or play computer games or even recently attempted to purchase a video card, then you will have no doubt heard the terms "Vertex Shader" and "Pixel Shader". What do they mean, other than that marketdroids will never cease to invent crappy technology jargon? Hear all the noise about "Hardware T&L" a couple of years ago? It's all related and this article will attempt to describe it all neatly for you.

Warning: mathematics ahead; this devolves into a basic 3D graphics tutorial. It's nothing more complicated than what you'll see in your final year of high school (linear algebra). If you're totally non-technical, run screaming now.

Full Story (41 comments, 4197 words in story)

Student Expelled For Coming Out (MLP)

By A Proud American
Sun Oct 26th, 2003 at 06:04:42 PM EST


"It has come to our attention that your son is a homosexual and we'd like to know what you'd like to do about it." -- Rich Grimm, President of Jupiter Christian School

When Jeffrey Woodard was 14, he asked his mother if he could attend the local private school.  She felt it would improve his educational experience by helping him grow spiritually and academically, and Jeff said he "felt God leading him there."

Full Story (513 comments, 208 words in story)

Diebold Met with 'Electronic Civil Disobedience' (Technology)

By quixotic1
Thu Oct 23rd, 2003 at 07:55:23 AM EST


Saying they are defending the right to a fair election, two student groups, Why War? and the Swarthmore Coalition for the Digital Commons, are rejecting Diebold Elections Systems' cease and desist orders and are initiating a campaign of electronic civil disobedience that will ensure permanent public access to the controversial leaked memos.

Full Story (241 comments, 983 words in story)

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 Section: News and Trends

Product Announcements
FLASH - Novell buys SuSE
Tuesday November 04, 2003 - [ 01:29 PM GMT ]
Topics: Product Announcements
By: Robin 'Roblimo' Miller

NewsForge received the official press release today at 8:15 a.m., US EST. It's reprinted below, lightly edited, and we'll have a followup story after the official press conference that's scheduled to start at 11 a.m. US EST.

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 Section: Software

Red Hat realignment opens door for Red Carpet
Tuesday November 04, 2003 - [ 12:00 PM GMT ]
By: Joe Barr

Earlier this year Red Hat said it would drop Red Hat Linux to focus exclusively on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. In September the company announced that the community-based Fedora project would replace what used to be the free version of Red Hat Linux. Yesterday Red Hat told its customers when it would end support of Red Hat 9. Those developments raised important questions for Ximian Desktop users. Would Ximian support Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Fedora? And would the company position its Red Carpet service as the natural successor to Red Hat Network (RHN), since those who don't step up to Enterprise Linux will be left without RHN support for Fedora?

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 Section: Software

Shared vs. distributed memory in large Linux clusters
Tuesday November 04, 2003 - [ 08:00 AM GMT ]
Topics: Linux
By: Chris Gulker

With Linux clusters becoming more commonplace in business IT settings, it seemed helpful to learn concepts that keep popping up in discussions of using clusters to solve problems. One such concept is the difference between shared and distributed memory.

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 Section: Business

IT Investors Journal - JDSU benefits as competitors leave the business
Monday November 03, 2003 - [ 10:54 PM GMT ]
Topics: Money
By: Melanie Hollands

I've liked opto-electronics manufacturer JDSU for 12 months, since it was trading at around the $1.70 level. I thought at that time that there was potential for the stock to double or triple in 12-18 months. The stock closed at $3.53 on Friday, up over 100% in 12 months, and has traded as high as $4.71 this year (up nearly 180% since October 2002). I still like JDS Uniphase for a long-term position. Depending on the timing and shape of economic recovery, shares could double from current levels during the next 12 months.

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Linux and Open Source headlines from all over the Web

Researchers to build 'crash-test Internet'
Tuesday November 04, 2003 - [ 02:00 PM GMT ]
Topic: Security

gulker writes "A team of UC Berkeley and University of Southern California professors has received a $5.46 million grant to build one of the most realistic models of the Inter ...

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Letter From Richard Seibt, CEO SuSE Linux
Tuesday November 04, 2003 - [ 01:30 PM GMT ]
Topic: Linux

Chuck Talk writes "Below is a copy of the letter as written verbatim from Richard Seibt, CEO of SuSE Linux in regard to the current SCO Group litigation and the future of Unit ...

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MontaVista Software Expands Presence to Italy
Monday November 03, 2003 - [ 12:00 AM GMT ]
Topic: Product Announcements

Annette Oevermann writes "SUNNYVALE, Calif., Nov. 3, 2003 -- MontaVista Software Inc., the company powering the embedded revolution, today announced the appointment of Italsof ...

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Three Years of Free Software Activism: The Case of GNU-Darwin
Monday November 03, 2003 - [ 11:33 PM GMT ]
Topic: Apple/Macintosh

Anonymous Reader writes ""GNU-Darwin is a Darwin-based operating system, but it also GNU-based, in that many thousands of free software titles are provided, all of which are c ...

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'Longhorn' Pitted Against Linux 2.6
Monday November 03, 2003 - [ 11:00 PM GMT ]
Topic: Windows

sjvn writes "The stage is set for a showdown between 'Longhorn' and Linux systems, as Microsoft, Red Hat and SuSE kick off a war of words." ...

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A BSD Linux?
Monday November 03, 2003 - [ 10:30 PM GMT ]
Topic: Government

Anonymous Reader writes "Someone's proposed a hybrid of BSD and Linux, creating a Linux-like GPLed fork of BSD, and maybe a fork that would allow brief, one or two year privat ...

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Elematics Supports Carrier Grade Linux on Intel
Monday November 03, 2003 - [ 10:00 PM GMT ]
Topic: Product Announcements

Annette Oevermann writes "BEAVERTON, Ore.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 3, 2003--Elematics, an innovator of multi-carrier, multi-vendor network control plane software, today announce ...

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Linus Fields Dev Questions On the Future of Linux
Monday November 03, 2003 - [ 09:33 PM GMT ]
Topic: Linux

Last month, Geekcruises' Linux Lunacy cruise to Alaska proved that Linux and Open Source are hot enough topics to even warm up Northern waters. The feature of the trip w ...

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Tools target homegrown versions of Linux
Monday November 03, 2003 - [ 09:00 PM GMT ]
Topic: Linux

Homegrown Linux will get some decidedly commercial attention with TimeSys Corp.'s release this week of a software tool set aimed at developers of roll-your-own Linux-based ...

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Secure programmer: Validating input
Monday November 03, 2003 - [ 08:34 PM GMT ]
Topic: Programming

Anonymous Reader writes "In nearly all secure programs, your first line of defense is to check every piece of data you receive. If you can keep malicious data from entering yo ...

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Linux and Open Source headlines from all over the Web
Which Codie Award nominee would get your vote for Best Open Source Software?
NetBeans IDE 3.5.1
LindowsOS 4.0
MySQL database server
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
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The Register:

The Register
  4 November 2003
  Updated: 14:07 GMT
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FileVault to blame this time
4 November 2003 1:30pm

But there's a point here struggling to be heard
4 November 2003 1:06pm

Trojans nipped in the bud
4 November 2003 11:56am

Does this mean there's a vacancy?
4 November 2003 11:36am

4 November 2003 10:40am

You mean this PC won't get rid of piles?
4 November 2003 8:51am

Never mind the ballots
4 November 2003 3:29am

NX technology becomes the standard from XP SP2
3 November 2003 11:37am

Extremely expensive
3 November 2003 4:44pm

PowerPC or x86?
3 November 2003 4:20pm

Midrange Unix under Itanic attack
3 November 2003 3:33pm

Lops off 10 per cent
3 November 2003 2:09pm

'Member of Cyber Lord' defacement gang
3 November 2003 1:01pm

Bureaucratic creep fears over life records plan
3 November 2003 11:22am

Site Offer 30% off UNIX and many other titles
31 October 2003 3:41pm

Spy hard
4 November 2003 1:27pm to spy on Joe Public, pass data overseas
4 November 2003 12:16pm

Drag thousands to court
4 November 2003 11:48am

ECC support for servers
4 November 2003 11:14am

Straight from the source's mouth
4 November 2003 10:34am

iTunes - meet Recycle Bin
4 November 2003 8:01am

And with one bound MCI was free
3 November 2003 11:53pm

Carry on regardless
3 November 2003 6:18pm

3 November 2003 4:23pm

FoTW Software recidivists
3 November 2003 3:47pm

Opinion Campaign to Re-Educate the Public
3 November 2003 3:13pm

Dual-layer technology
3 November 2003 2:02pm

3 November 2003 12:02pm hiccup
3 November 2003 10:22am

Episode 26 The name's Bofh. James Bofh...
31 October 2003 7:23am

Doesn't want to 'rock the boat'
4 November 2003 1:15pm

Institute of Physics Survey (seriously, folks)
4 November 2003 12:10pm

Zennstrom replies
4 November 2003 11:43am

Joins IBM, ATI
4 November 2003 10:52am

Profits up
4 November 2003 9:52am

The Loon responds
4 November 2003 5:03am

Who needs 95 per cent of the market
3 November 2003 9:46pm

Reg Review
3 November 2003 6:01pm

Keeping options open
3 November 2003 4:23pm

Email on the move
3 November 2003 3:45pm

Oh well
3 November 2003 2:42pm

Cash'n'Carrion Tech-savvy shirts for discerning geeks
3 November 2003 11:23am

No more printing
3 November 2003 11:54am

Updated Noxious viral variants plague PC users
3 November 2003 9:25am


Geek Austin: This is NOT California, Dammit!

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Austin is a beautiful mistress...
posted by LinearB on Tuesday October 28, @01:59PM
AllTopics I first met RJ Nagle back when he was writing docs for Dell. I became aware of RJ's writing when he started posting to GeekAustin. Some of you might recognize Rob from his book reviews for Slashdot.

A while back, Rob moved from Austin to Houston, in search of stable employment. Rather than simply grumble about Houston, he started organizing events and making things happen. He now helps run the Houston Fray Cafe.

About six months ago I asked Rob to write an article about the differences in Houston and Austin geek culture. Six months and a few thousand words later, he finished. The result is So Long and Thanks for all the Foobars . Rob comments that the essay "describes my life as an unemployed geek in Austin between 2001 and 2002. Now that I am ex-Austinite living in Houston, I wonder why I stayed in Austin for as long as I did."

The article ended up being much too long for GeekAustin. So you can read the article on Rob's own site. Check out his other writing while your at it.

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jobs: ReCare is currently hiring for Java/QA/tech positions.
posted by LinearB on Tuesday October 28, @01:45PM
News Scott Hall writes "ReCare, a medical software company, has an immediate need for talented Sr. Java Developers, Sr. Integration Engineers, a QA Director, Sr. QA Engineers, and a Technical Product Manager. Details...

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HoTDAMA Oct 27th chapter meeting
posted by LinearB on Tuesday October 21, @01:25PM
News Meeting: Data Management Association, Heart of Texas Chapter(HoTDAMA).
Date: Monday, Oct 27, 5:30pm-8:pm.
Presentation starts at 6:15
Place: Lone Star Cafe, (I-35 exit 200) San Marcos, TX
Speaker: Ms. Chris Rubis of Data Junction
Topic: “Pain Points in Data Integration”
Cost: members & first-time guests free; others $20
"Join us for our final meeting for 2003! Before the presentation come meet other data professionals and elect new officers for 2004.

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IEEE Central Texas Women in Engineering Meeting - Nov 4th
posted by LinearB on Tuesday October 21, @01:15PM
News Meeting: IEEE Central Texas Women in Engineering
Date: Tuesday, November 4, 6-8 pm
Place: La Madeleine 3418 N. Lamar Blvd., Austin (map)
Speaker: Ms. Liz Coker, founder, Minco Labs
Topic: “Then versus Now”
Cost: Free
more details here

( Read More... )

How to Break Into the Video Game Industry - Nov. 1
posted by LinearB on Friday October 17, @02:07PM
News Chris Sherman writes "The Austin Game Initiative is hosting the following day long event:

How to Break Into the Video Game Industry,
November 15, 2003 - 8:30 AM to 3 PM
at the Commons Center at JJ Pickle Research Campus.

Chris goes on to say "The computer and video games industry is thriving. Austin is a hotbed of activity with more than 50 local companies involved in the games business. Find out what it takes to get into the business. Meet with leading recruiters, hiring managers and industry veterans. Professionals and Students and find out what it takes to get into the business. Professionals, learn how your experience and transferable skills can gain you rapid entry into this industry. Students find out how to build a professional road map to a career in the games industry. Learn what employers are looking for now and in the future. Bring your resume. Register online at:

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jobs: Java Doc Tech Writer Needed in Austin
posted by LinearB on Thursday October 16, @03:32PM
News RickW writes "We have an urgent need for an experienced Java Doc Tech Writer to document the code for our existing API's. This is a short term, luctrative, contract that can lead to longer term involvement or can terminate at the end of this project; mutual choice. Please send resumes and salary requirements to and we will be in touch (really quick). Please mention that you are referring to the post in Geek Austin."

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jobs: PostgreSQL/Oracle DBA performance/tuning contract
posted by LinearB on Tuesday October 14, @12:58PM
News RickW writes "We have need of an experienced DBA to tune our PostgreSQL database. We will likely be migrating to Oracle, so there is a possibility for a longer term if all parties gel. Performance and tuning is what this short term contract is all about. Send resumes and hourly to Be sure to mention that you saw the post in Geek Austin."

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Hangar 18
posted by LinearB on Tuesday October 14, @10:42AM
News Hangar 18 is not news to the folks on the Austin Linux Group mailing list - or any other number of tech mailing lists in town. For those who haven't yet heard, here's the summary from the Hangar 18 website:

"Hangar 18 is a group of hobbyist and professionals distributed around the globe sharing a common resource pool based around the Plan 9 operating system. These resources are provided as 'free' resources under Open Source style licenses. In particular issues of the user environment and how distributed computing can be made ubiquitous and useful are primary. This includes multi-player games, distributed real-time computing, shared media libraries, multi-media conferencing, mobile global sign-on, wireless and packet technology, cryptography and anonymity, digital cash, robotics, distributed multi-agent systems, small world networks, etc. Participation is by providing process, file, or access resources to the community on a tit-for-tat basis.

The primary goal of Hangar 18 is to develop a truly distributed computing infrastructure. This means global sign-on, distributed processing, a variety of resource name-spaces, layers of communications infra-structures that support various ranges of point-to-point communications, and hopefully much more."

( Read More... ) Lan Party October 25th
posted by LinearB on Thursday October 09, @04:43PM
News Chris Tom writes "Our lan party is set for the 25th of this month! BOXX is our sponsor, and they will be showing a new product at the event. Registration is here. Also check out the Texas Gaming Festival which we will have a date for soon!"

( Read More... )

EFF-Austin Roundtable on Homeland Security - Octob...
posted by LinearB on Wednesday October 01, @08:39PM

davidnunez just informed me that the EFF-Austin and ACLU-TX are having a discussion on homeland security and government surveillance policies in Texas. The discussion led by Scott Henson of ACLU-TX.

I've known Scott for almost 15 years, from back in the days when my bookstore advertised in Scott's (and Tom's) UT-focused newspaper, The Polemicist. Scott has a hound dog knack for finding out who's lining their pockets and subverting the public trust. The UT administration literally feared this guy. I lamented the day that he graduated and left UT. - Linear

Here's the details:
The EFF-Austin Policy Roundtable
Time: Thursday October 2nd, 7PM
Venue: Ventana Del Soul
Address: 1834 E. Oltorf, Oltorf and Burleson
Directions: Oltorf Exit off I35; head east on Oltorf
Food: Ventana sells coffee, juice, pastries, sandwiches.

( Read More... | 1536 bytes in body | 2 comments )




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Neal Stephenson at BookPeople Tonight!!! (0)
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Alternative ISPs for cable broadband? (6)

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CTK seeks php/mysql application developer (3)

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Austin Game Conference wrap-up (0)

Wednesday September 24
Encompass Linux Seminars come to Austin (0)

Friday September 19
Austin Wireless Meeting - Monday September 22 (0)
Austin Java Users Group Meeting - September 23 (0)

Monday September 15
Cinema Texas Games Without Borders Reception (0)
Microchip Computers...RIP? (12)
HoTDAMA hosts one-day workshop on Data Warehousing (0)
Recommendations for home wiring contractors in Austin? (3)

Tuesday August 26
Powerline broadband in Austin? (6)

Friday August 15 (2)
PHP / MySQL Developer needed!!! (0)

Monday August 11
Xaffire closing Austin office? (5)
Pervasive to buy Data Junction for $51.7M (0)

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quel does Defcon (1)
Everquest addict picked up at Borders/Arboretum (3)

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Freshmeat: Welcome to
Tue, Nov 04th home | browse | articles | contact | chat | submit | faq | newsletter | about | stats | scoop 05:52 PDT
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Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant CONFIG_MINITHIN_DISABLE in /fm/include/variable.h on line 127
Warning: array_flip(): The argument should be an array in /fm/include/variable.h on line 131
Warning: array_intersect(): Argument #1 is not an array in /fm/include/variable.h on line 131
Warning: array_flip(): The argument should be an array in /fm/include/variable.h on line 131
Warning: constant(): Couldn't find constant CONFIG_MINITHIN_DISABLE in /fm/include/template.h on line 444
 SHFS 0.32
 by Miroslav Spousta - Tuesday, November 4th 2003 05:56 PDT

About: SHFS (sshfs) is a simple and easy-to-use Linux kernel module which allows you to mount remote filesystems using a plain shell (ssh/rsh) connection. It supports some nice features like number of different caches for access speedup, target system optimizations, etc.

Changes: A stable release was finally made. The "Invalid argument" error should be fixed.

 Categories Focus License URLs
System :: Filesystems
System :: Networking
Minor bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 Exchanger XML Editor 1.1
 by Edwin Dankert - Tuesday, November 4th 2003 05:55 PDT

About: The Exchanger XML Editor is a Java-based XML editor that offers a broad spectrum of functionality to help XML authors, business analysts, and software developers. It features schema-based editing, tag prompting, validation against a DTD, XML schema, RelaxNG, tree view and outliner for tag free editing, XPath and regular expression searches, schema conversion, XSLT and XSLFO transformations, comprehensive project management, an SVG viewer and conversion, easy SOAP invocations, and more.

Changes: This version's new features are soft wrapping, import and export of scenarios and types, canonicalization, and improved Mac OS X integration. A set of predefined types for some popular XML vocabularies have been included to help you get started faster.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Text Processing :: Markup :: XML Major feature enhancements Other/Proprietary License with Free Trial Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 MFEditor 1.4
 by Joshua Thompson - Tuesday, November 4th 2003 05:45 PDT

About: MFEditor (Multiple Filename Editor) is a simple utility for renaming multiple files simultaneously. It allows you to modify filenames by prepending, appending, and inserting strings, modifying file extensions, and replacing strings. It can also remove underscores, capitalize the first letter of every word, and convert between upper and lower case.

 Categories Focus License URLs
System :: Filesystems
Initial freshmeat announcement Freeware Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Cheese Tracker 0.9.1
 by reduz - Tuesday, November 4th 2003 05:21 PDT

About: Cheese Tracker is a program to create module music. It aims to have an interface and feature set similar to that of Impulse Tracker. It works on Unix systems and on Windows (using cygwin), but all the interface/audio code is fully modular and abstracted in individual classes, which should make the porting of this program to other platforms very easy.

Changes: This release fixes a critical bug in IT saving.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Sound Synthesis Major bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Kooka 0.41a
 by freitag - Tuesday, November 4th 2003 05:21 PDT

About: Kooka, part of the kdegraphics package, is a raster image scan program which supports OCR. It is based on the scanner access library SANE. It supports scanning in different modes and resolutions, preview, scan area selection, and an image save assistant which features a gallery organised in a treeview with a comfortable image viewer and thumbnail support. OCR is supported through GOCR, an open source project. Kooka uses the libkscan, which offers scanner support to all KDE applications.

Changes: This is a bugfix release that fixes a bug that prevented it from working with the recently released version 0.5 of Ocrad. It also fixes a serious bug in the thumbnail list handling.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Scanners
Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers
Minor bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/BZ2 Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Adaptive Website Framework 1.11 (Stable)
 by Liquid Bytes - Tuesday, November 4th 2003 05:20 PDT

About: Liquid Bytes Adaptive Website Framework (AWF) is a Web framework, CMS, Web portal, news system, online community, etc. Its purpose is to simplify Web site creation and present content efficiently. It features design/content separation, multiple designs (themes), personalized page layout, a WYSIWYG editor, a package installer for adding new features with just one click, user/group-management, messaging/community modules, access protection of single pages or site sections, effective caching, easy to use API functions, export options for documents, the ability to integrate Unix shell scripts or embed PHP code, and support for nearly unlimited languages, documents, and users.

Changes: This version features some smaller bugfixes concerning the forum and redirection functions.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management
Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks
Minor bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 cmdftp 0.652
 by Claudio - Tuesday, November 4th 2003 05:19 PDT

About: cmdftp is a command line FTP client for Linux with shell-like functions which uses passive mode only, works in local and remote mode transparently, resumes broken connections, and supports multiple and recursive file transfers. It is aimed at being simple and small.

Changes: This version features a small changes to switch from POSIX.1 to XSI extended (for using mkstemp).

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Minor bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 FreeBSD 4.9
 by Bad Ass - Tuesday, November 4th 2003 05:19 PDT

About: Briefly, FreeBSD is a UNIX operating system based on U.C. Berkeley's 4.4BSD-lite release for the i386 platform (and recently the alpha platform). It is also based indirectly on William Jolitz's port of U.C. Berkeley's Net/2 to the i386, known as 386BSD, though very little of the 386BSD code remains. A fuller description of what FreeBSD is and how it can work for you may be found on the FreeBSD home page.

Changes: This release comes with a lot of updates, including new utilities and various bugfixes.

 Categories Focus License URLs
System :: Operating System Major feature enhancements BSD License (original) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Linux 2.6.0-test6-sel (NSA Development)
 by Bad Ass - Tuesday, November 4th 2003 05:19 PDT

About: Linux is a clone of the Unix kernel, written from scratch by Linus Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across the Net. It aims towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliance. It has all the features you would expect in a modern fully-fledged Unix kernel, including true multitasking, virtual memory, shared libraries, demand loading, shared copy-on-write executables, proper memory management, and TCP/IP networking.

Changes: This version has undergone a complete overhaul of the SELinux API, a migration to using extended attributes for file security contexts, a reworking of the SELinux initialization code, and various cleanups of the SELinux code. The new SELinux utilities and the SELinux daemon/ utility patches have been ported to the new SELinux API, and updated to the RH9 packages.

 Categories Focus License URLs
System :: Operating System
System :: Operating System Kernels :: Linux
Major feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 PureAdmin 0.1.5
 by Isak - Tuesday, November 4th 2003 05:00 PDT

About: PureAdmin is a graphical tool used to make the management of PureFTPd a little easier. It is not dependent on a specific desktop environment such as GNOME or KDE, but is designed with the GNOME Human Interface Guidelines in mind.

Changes: This version features a new "Dirbrowser" widget for selecting directories. Help support was added to the program, and there are various bugfixes.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 Easy Bookmarks 2.4
 by B.Weber - Tuesday, November 4th 2003 04:59 PDT

About: Easy Bookmarks is a Web-based bookmarks system. It features easy installation and maintenance, support for multiple users with personal lists and personal configuration, and support for several databases with a detached database engine. The generated pages are HTML4 compliant and support custom CSS for easy customizing.

Changes: This version now supports the PEAR:DB interface. The good news is that this brings a broader Database choice, the bad news is that it hat quite some impact on performance. The name of the category can now be changed in the edit view.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content Major feature enhancements Freely Distributable Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 iRipDB 0.1.1
 by Miguel A. Arévalo - Tuesday, November 4th 2003 04:56 PDT

About: iRipDB allows you to generate the DB files necessary for the iRiver iHP-1xx series of MP3/Ogg HD Player on Linux and Windows. This will allow you to navigate your files through the artist/album/genre menus. It currently supports adding MP3 and Ogg files. It is a simple, small, and fast command line program, so it can be used with scripts that are automatically called when unmounting the player's filesystem. It uses id3lib and libogg/vorbis.

Changes: This version features a Win32 port, fixes the empty Ogg files segfaults, and no longer adds empty tagged files (use -e to add them).

 Categories Focus License URLs
Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Players :: MP3 Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 GNU Smalltalk 2.1b (Development)
 by Paolo Bonzini - Tuesday, November 4th 2003 04:54 PDT

About: GNU Smalltalk is a free implementation of the Smalltalk-80 language.

Changes: This release features a completely redesigned bytecode set which improves performance by 20-40%.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Software Development :: Compilers
Software Development :: Interpreters
Software Development :: Libraries
Major feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 GNU Lightning 1.1.1
 by Paolo Bonzini - Tuesday, November 4th 2003 04:54 PDT

About: GNU Lightning is a library that generates assembly language code at run time. It is very fast, making it ideal for Just-In-Time compilers, and it abstracts over the target CPU, as it exposes to the clients a standardized RISC instruction set (inspired by the MIPS and SPARC chips).

Changes: This release now passes the tests on the SPARC. It also includes a few small fixes to the accompanying shell scripts.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Software Development :: Code Generators
Software Development :: Compilers
Software Development :: Libraries
Minor bugfixes GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 sed 4.0a (Development)
 by Paolo Bonzini - Tuesday, November 4th 2003 04:54 PDT

About: Sed, the GNU Stream Editor, copies the named files (standard input default) to the standard output, edited according to a script of commands.

Changes: This release includes many changes in the way multi-byte character sets are handled, more intuitive handling of files that do not end with a new-line character, and several cleanups to the source code.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Utilities Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 sed 4.0.8 (GNU Stable)
 by Paolo Bonzini - Tuesday, November 4th 2003 04:54 PDT

About: Sed, the GNU Stream Editor, copies the named files (standard input default) to the standard output, edited according to a script of commands.

Changes: This release includes several bugfixes and some additional test cases. The most prominent bug is the failure to handle more than 1916 files in in-place editing mode. This version will not compile under Solaris as yet (you need to add #include <sys/types.h> in lib/ getline.c).

 Categories Focus License URLs
Utilities Minor bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate

 hirudo 0.2
 by Stuart Wigley - Tuesday, November 4th 2003 04:53 PDT

About: Hirudo is a Java Swing application for downloading Web content.

Changes: This release includes an improved program structure and commenting, adds a "Clear Log" menu option, changes the LookAndFeel to system default, adds a "Preserve Directory Structure" preference, moves the Scraper options to a context sensitive popup menu, adds a "Leech with wget" option, adds a "wget Location" preference, and improves the Preferences layout. "Leech with Hirudo" now runs in a separate thread, "Leech with wget" now runs in a separate thread, the wget output is sent to the Log window, and Referer spoofing was added to Hirudo and wget.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Desktop Environment :: Theme :: Web
Internet :: WWW/HTTP
Major feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 Python Desktop Server 0.6.3
 by Georg Bauer - Tuesday, November 4th 2003 04:51 PDT

About: The Python Desktop Server is a combined Weblog authoring tool, XMLRPC/SOAP server, and news aggregator. It allows one to read RSS news feeds, publish a Web site to a community server (such as Radio Community Server or Python Community Server installations) or FTP server, and includes tools for Weblog and homepage management. It features a Web interface, a built-in Web server, a multithreading architecture, and a simple database. It is extensible through scripts that connect via XML-RPC, HTML templates, macros, and a plugin architecture.

Changes: In this release the Japanese language file is updated and the package now installs it correctly. The preview feature is working again (it was broken in 0.6.2).

 Categories Focus License URLs
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: News/Diary
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers
Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management
Minor bugfixes MIT/X Consortium License Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 RoadMap 1.0.3 (Stable)
 by Pascal Martin - Tuesday, November 4th 2003 04:49 PDT

About: RoadMap is a GIS program for Unix that displays street maps. The maps are provided by the US Census Bureau, and thus only cover the US. Specific areas are displayed by selecting a street address (street number, street name, city, and state). It interfaces with gpsd to track a GPS position, and has been designed to be usable on both a desktop or laptop computer, or on a PDA.

Changes: This version features the first step to make RoadMap integrated into GPE in that it makes the Familiar package compliant with the freeDesktop rules, has been tested on Familiar 0.7.1 GPE, and adds some GPE-specific code. The make files have been cleaned up to be compatible with cross-compilation environments. A warning message is shown when no map is available. There are a few bugfixes.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/GZ Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate

 Agent Farms 0.3.3
 by Stefan Urbanek - Tuesday, November 4th 2003 04:48 PDT

About: Agent Farms is a system for modeling and simulation of complex, multi-agent based systems. The system can be used for creating models of multi-agent systems, interactive and distributed simulation, observation and visualisation of the simulation, and population modification and migration. On those models one can learn about the evolution of strategies in the populations of agents.

Changes: This version adds a new FarmsViews framework, removes the dependency on the XY plotting framework, and fixes various bugs.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Desktop Environment :: GNUstep
Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence
Minor bugfixes GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate

 TV in a box 0.5
 by Jonas Aaberg - Tuesday, November 4th 2003 04:47 PDT

About: TV in a box is an applet that adds a small TV to your dock or panel. It has most features that normal TV viewing applications have.

Changes: In this version, the TV in a box can now be turned on and off via a pipe, which useful when you want to record shows from the TV card. Some commands are added to the right button menu.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Desktop Environment :: Window Managers :: Window Maker :: Applets
Multimedia :: Video :: Capture
Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 QUICA 20031104
 by Tim Hunter - Tuesday, November 4th 2003 04:47 PDT

About: QUICA is a Web interface to manage various aspects of email administration. Working as a courier-mta frontend, it can make a quick and easy to use email server. Tasks like creating accounts and forwards can be done easily. It manages domains separately, allowing the delegation of each domain to different people. It's a great tool for your customers if you are a service provider, but also works well for a single domain. Quotas for each account are managed, the number of email messages and hard disk space can be controlled accurately. Internationalization is provided (with some languages included) and you can add your own. The interface allows you to delegate the management to non-sysadmins.

Changes: This version features major changes to support a welcome message per domain login. There are bugfixes and enhancements to vacation messages, and lots of HTML fixes and validation functions.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Communications :: Email :: Mail Transport Agents
System :: Systems Administration
Minor feature enhancements GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

 MailManager 1.0-b1
 by Andrew Veitch - Tuesday, November 4th 2003 04:40 PDT

About: MailManager helps teams deal with large volumes of email by allocating mail to the right person, providing tools to help answer it (prioritisation, reply templates, and a knowledge base), and allowing managers to set service levels for different types of mail and report on performance against service levels and volumes received. MailManager is based on Zope which is required to use it. It is cross-platform, but most of the testing has been under Linux and Mac OS X.

Changes: The focus of this release has been some major rewriting and structural changes to ensure the robustness and maintainability of the product in its future post-release development. It was not the intention to add major new features but two have in fact been introduced: automatic checking of POP3 and IMAP mailboxes, and an export facility.

 Categories Focus License URLs
Communications :: Email
Information Management :: Issue Tracking
Code cleanup GNU General Public License (GPL) Homepage Tar/BZ2 Changelog Subscribe Ignore Rate Hosted on

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- Processing Issues Faced by Email Verification Systems (Oct 11th)
- Lessons in Packaging Linux Applications (Sep 20th)
- European Protests Against Software Patents (Aug 25th)

- freshmeat CDROM Subscription Service (Apr 1st)
- freshmeat Job Openings (Apr 1st)
- freshmeat launches Mac OS X section (Dec 23rd)

Category Reviews
- Spam Filters (Aug 23rd)
- GUI Toolkits for The X Window System (Jul 27th)
- Fractal Software (Apr 26th)

Book Reviews
- Bioinformatics: Sequence and Genome Analysis (Jun 7th)
- Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams (Dec 21st)
- Absolute BSD (Dec 7th)

- Configuring an Open Source Mail Gateway (May 31st)
- Generating PHP Database Access Layers (May 17th)
- Benefits of the Qt Object Model (May 10th)

- Red Hat: Updated CUPS packages fix denial of service (Nov 3rd)
- SuSE: New thttpd packages fix remote privilege escalation (Oct 31st)
- Debian: New thttpd packages fix information leak, DoS and arbitrary code execution (Oct 29th)

- Learning From Kaleidoscope (Oct 18th)
- A Plea for Clear Theme Copyrights (Nov 2nd)
- The Antidesktop (Oct 12th)

- SHFS 0.32
- Exchanger XML Editor 1.1
- MFEditor 1.4
- Cheese Tracker 0.9.1
- Kooka 0.41a
- Adaptive Website Framework 1.11 (Stable)
- cmdftp 0.652
- FreeBSD 4.9
- Linux 2.6.0-test6-sel (NSA Development)
- PureAdmin 0.1.5
- Easy Bookmarks 2.4
- iRipDB 0.1.1
- GNU Smalltalk 2.1b (Development)
- GNU Lightning 1.1.1
- sed 4.0a (Development)
- sed 4.0.8 (GNU Stable)
- hirudo 0.2
- Python Desktop Server 0.6.3
- RoadMap 1.0.3 (Stable)
- Agent Farms 0.3.3
- TV in a box 0.5
- QUICA 20031104
- MailManager 1.0-b1
- The Squirrel programming language 0.6 alpha
- prizm 0.1
- txt2html 2.04
- SCREEM 0.9.1 (Development)
- Mutt 1.5.4i (Development)
- Kiss FFT 0.4
- D Parser 1.7
- GePhex 0.0.4beta2
- Ethereal 0.9.16
- SimpleData 3.0.19
- Engauge Digitizer 1.6
- eGroupWare
- EMenuEdit 1.3
- Enrapture 0.5
- GeoServer 1.0.1
- Cone 0.55
- KXParse 2.3pre1
- Quite Unusually Odd Text Engine 0.34

- phpassert 0.1
- Xmame-fe 0.2
- eScene Sticker Board 0.1.0
- Pansophica 1.0-1
- Sophster 0.9
- Generguide 0.2
- conectAr 1
- Xquote 2.3
- SMB for FUSE 0.5
- WeeChat 0.0.3
- GNUsound 0.6.1
- wmmemload 0.1.6
- edtFTPj 1.2.3 (Stable)
- GOBO Eiffel 3.3
- Project Manager X 2.12
- CL-SDL 0.2.2
- monotone 0.7
- SNMP Trap Translator 0.9
- One Time Download 1.0
- pitacard 0.2
- Config::Natural 0.98
- scr_ipfm 0.62
- WebSprockets Runtime 0.5.4
- ibWebAdmin 0.94
- Impact 0.4.1
- Tiki 1.8 RC1 (Release candidates)
- Hardware lister A.01.05
- Advanced Bash Scripting Guide 2.2 (Stable)
- Arabic Wordlist 0.6
- Xnee's not an event emulator 1.08
- Tiger Envelopes 0.5.6
- Audiotag 0.6
- Tcpreplay 1.5.alpha5 (Development)
- 11022003
- Postgresql AutoDoc 1.20
- Tiger JMail 1.0 rc1
- GeoIRC 0.3.5a
- DigitalDJ 0.7.4
- My Signup Sheet 2.4
- Yet Another antiVirus Recipe 1.7.6
- slapt-get 0.9.7
- Jacksum 1.3.0 (Stable)
- Syntext Serna 1.0.0
- GNU TeXmacs
- Bid Monkey 2.1 (Stable)
- Delineate 0.4.1
- Zuul 1.2.0
- OpenGUI 4.3.1
- My Photo Gallery 3.7
- Gnomadic 0.1
- swbis 0.174
- PHPX 3.2.2 (PHPX 3.x)
- AudioLink 0.04
- CRM114 Discriminator 20031102-RC4
- snescom 1.3.3
- p0f 2.0.3
- Mibble 2.2
- NS WebMail 0.9.4
- KDE 3.2 Beta 1 (Development)
- Process Change Detection System 2.6
- class_protect_picture 1.0.2
- Zero Install 0.1.18
- GCompris 4.1
- FM-Classic 1.8 beta 1
- The Gimp 1.3.22 (Development)
- QDBM: Quick DataBase Manager 1.7.6
- tinydyndns 0.3.1
- WebCleaner 2.4
- Pearlowis
- KLogo-Turtle 0.3
- byteHoard 0.8.4
- ReViewer 2.0
- picocom 1.1
- avsap 1.05
- 2.0beta18 (Development)
- Wings 3D 0.98.17e
- GnoRPM 0.97
- flowprobe 1.0.2
- LiteCommerce 1.2.2
- Eiffel Simple Directmedia Layer 0.0.1
- S tar 1.5a33 (Development)
- Canvas Widget 1.0.0
- mAha! 1.0
- BitDefender for Mitel SME Server 1.5.5-3

- phpQLAdmin 2.0.17
- GNU Transport Layer Security Library 0.9.95 (Development)
- snif 1.1
- wlandetect 0.1
- rsnapshot 1.0.3
- SLOCCount 2.23
- 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons Character Generator 0.6
- bf 20031030
- Plesk Server Administrator 6.0.2 (6.x)
- Balken 0.01
- Botan 1.3.0 (Development)
- Romeo xmame frontend 0.1.3pre2
- Mserv 0.40 (Development)
- EZFB Linux Frame Buffer API 8.00
- Lien Mp3 Player 0.6.0 (Stable)
- ivtools 1.1
- SuperVESA FrameBuffer Driver 1.1
- Simple Picture Gallery Manager 1.3.3
- XMLTV 0.5.20
- evolvotron 0.2.2
- libtc 1.0.1
- Gaim 0.72 (Stable)
- FmPro Migrator 1.48
- ClusterIt 2.2 (Stable)
- slst 0.1
- Proxy Profiles Applet 0.2
- SaferWep 0.3
- Eiffel Wrapper Generator 0.7.1
- Snownews 1.3.3
- pam_passwdqc 0.7.5
- Emerde 1.0.1-r3
- KySMS 0.7
- ErfurtWiki R1.01b
- Muddleftpd 1.3.13 (Stable)
- GNOME Commander 1.1.0
- Hamilcar 0.0.4
- Yaxi 0.5
- OCamlI18N 0.1
- SANE 1.0.13-pre1 (Beta)
- Bandwidth Management Tools 0-1-4
- JXMLPad 1.9.8
- phpVideoPro 0.5.4
- Perico 0/31
- Freevo 1.4rc2
- Jam--Nuclear Physics Data Acquisition 1.4 RC 1
- Gewels G2-1.0.0
- BottomFeeder 3.2
- OpenGuides 0.28
- Audacity 1.2.0-pre3 (Development)
- Linux-VServer 1.00 (Stable)
- FSP Client 0.0.5
- Your Operating System 3.3.2-30102003-1.2
- Jin client for chess servers 2.11
- ET Live 1.0
- Shoreline Firewall 1.4.7c
- wmxkb 1.1.0
- KnoppMyth R3
- mailinsms 0.9.1
- TAMS 2.35b13
- lopster-tools 0.9.1
- tux 2.4.22-A0 (tux2)
- Virtual Universe 0.38 (Virtual World Server)
- ipfreeze 0.4.7
- Gammu 0.88
- GTKPBButtons 0.6.1
- DragStacK 1.1
- GTK Photo Gallery 0.01
- Devil-Linux 1.0.1
- OpenWFE 0.4.2
- ALE 0.5.0
- storebackup 1.14.1
- VideoDB 2003-11-02
- jclassinfo 0.18
- online.php 0.7
- The Zope Shell 1.60
- Hunt for Gold 0.4.9
- Linux-One-Stanza-Tips 0.10
- mod_scheme 3.0
- macstl 0.1.5
- QMBTagger 0.03
- avidemux 2.0.18
- ProjectTraq Intranet System Services 1.0
- MagiCServer++ 0.1
- rdiff-backup 0.12.6
- libSieve 2.2.0pre1
- FontPack 0.5
- echolot-pinger 2.1.1
- Gnofract 4D 1.8
- cmdftp 0.652-pre
- gnome-isdn 0.1.3
- Simple Instant Messenger 0.9
- ChkDB 0.9.4
- Wifimap 0.1.3
- host 20031101
- Smart Common Input Method platform 0.8.2 (Unstable)
- Hotwayd 0.7.1 (Development)
- gLabels 1.92.2 (Development)
- dccserver 0.4
- gimp-print 4.2.6-pre3 (Stable)
- nsirc 0.0.1
- TuxBox ISPWorks 0.5
- Chocolate for XDoclet 0.2.0
- Gambas 0.71 (Development)

- Natural Docs 1.14
- Waterken Server 2.6
- hidentd 0.2
- SQLObject 0.5
- Anarchist 0.1.2
- WindowLab 1.17
- JpUnit 0.0.1
- Japha 1.3.5 (Development)
- linuxsms 0.71
- m0n0wall pb19r535
- Smart Card ToolKit 0.3.3
- Sketsa 1.4
- Veejay 0.5.2
- mod_ssl 2.8.16-1.3.29
- K8000 Event Language 1.33
- WBXML Library 0.8.1
- Mod WASap 0.0.11
- ObjectKitchen 0.7.5
- BW ACCT 2.0
- cutmp3 1.0
- regexxer 0.5
- bubblefishymon 0.6.1
- MinGW Developer Studio 0.92
- One-Wire Weather 0.71.1
- drraw 1.0
- Oww Client 0.4.0
- MagiCBuild 0.1
- PJIRC 2.0.0
- JFormula 2.3
- Keystone2 0.90.06
- emelFM2 0.0.2
- fastutil 3.1
- CASM 0.3.0
- qjackctl 0.1.1a
- Biker's Log 1.6
- cdinsert and cdlabelgen 2.7.0 (Stable)
- phpMyFAQ 1.3.9-beta2 (Development)
- Efax-gtk 2.2.2 (Stable)
- Konstruct 20031101
- Silky 0.3.1
- ScsiaddGui 1.1
- FLENS 0.1.2
- curl and libcurl 7.10.8

- What Would Jesus REALLY Do?
- Man Arrested for Offending US Embassy
- Clinton's Role In The War Against Terrorism
- /dev/null/nethack Tournament 2003
- What's really wrong with the United States medical system?
- To Straighten Him Out
- US falls 14 spots in press freedom ranking
- So You Want to be a Roadie
- Heightened Activity on Sun Disrupts Technology, Lights up Sky
- K5 Monthly Update, October 2003

- SoundPlay 4.8
- LibPak 1.4
- LibPak 1.4
- svg icons 11-03-03
- Deskbar Fun! 4.5
- Hatari 0.45
- Files' Extensions Database 1.0.0
- Crap 1.0
- AGMSRAMFileSystem 0.0 (unfinished)
- Marvin's Block Adventure 1

- News: Unlucky phisher pleads guilty
- News: No effect seen in hack disclosure law
- News: Brazilian script kiddie arrested in Japan
- News: The Web is littered with Web sites long abandoned
- Infocus: Introduction to Nessus
- Infocus: Fighting Internet Worms With Honeypots
- Infocus: Web Security Appliance With Apache and mod_security
- Infocus: Incident Response Tools For Unix, Part Two: File-System Tools
- Columnists: Reeducation Campaign
- Columnists: Pretty Good at Gettin&#39; By

- FLASH - Novell buys SuSE
- Red Hat realignment opens door for Red Carpet
- Shared vs. distributed memory in large Linux clusters
- IT Investors Journal - JDSU benefits as competitors leave the business
- Red Hat tells customers, 'No more freebies!"
- Open source network administration with MRTG
- Zend, Sun bringing PHP to the enterprise
- Help determine a Codie Award winner
- Nestl&#233; to buy Google
- Open Source Software economics

- New X Proposal on
- Netcraft Claims Apache Now Runs 2/3rds Of The Web
- Swedish ISP Blocks Computers That Send Spam
- LinuxAnt's DriverLoader Loads Centrino Drivers
- GNU-Darwin: Three Years of Free Software Activism
- Students, ISP Sue Diebold
- Simpsons Fan Creates Real Tomacco Plant
- More On IBM's Next-Gen Xbox Chipset Win
- DARPA's Autonomous Vehicle Challenge Too Popular?
- FCC Proposes Fining AT&T Over DNC Violation

ThinkGeek: What's New
- Interests: Megatokyo Miho Blanket
- Electronics: Si-Link FM Transmitter
- Electronics: Pacific Digital MemoryFrame
- Electronics: Rtv Visual Entertainment Generator
- Electronics: Archos Cinema To Go
- PC Mods: Cathode Light Fan Grill
- Cube Goodies: Power Joy III Retro Arcade Game System
- Cube Goodies: Indoor Paintball Sim Pistol
- Cube Goodies: Mini Die-Cast R/C Cars
- Cube Goodies: Mini RC Tornado Stunt Car


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